What is the best part of this section of garden? Zero room for weeds. While I’m not in love with the color combos necessarily, I ain’t messing with it. The Nepeta (Catmint) is doing its thing as are the pink and white Astilbes. Please ignore the browning Boxwood.

A closer shot of the white Astilbes and Ninebark ‘Diablo’. Contrast is king.

Baptisia one …

… and Baptisia two.

A bit of a mess and suckers like mad, but Iteas thrive in my wet soil and I do my best to control the suckering. I’ve added twelve more to my garden this spring. Again, the theme: no room for weeds.

My favorite foliage shrub: Ninebark ‘Amber Jubilee’. And yes, that name sounds more like a stripper than a shrub.