We’ve had nothing but rain for what feels like the last month and because of that, I’ve been unable to get outside and work my magic. And if I’m being honest, I’m also tiring of the chores so take the two together and you get what you see below.

A few thoughts here:
- You know that hose and sprinkler have resided in this sport for a long time since watering hasn’t been a need for like months now. I may need a crowbar to get it out of the ground. Yes, I’m embarrassed.
- I suck at designing the front of my garden beds. I become so consumed with the design of the middle and back that I push aside the need for groundcovers or even smaller annuals. This is a theme throughout and one I need to concentrate on for next year. My planned direction is to up my annuals game to cover these spots as they’re more interesting and colorful. Just need to account for deer resistance.
- I have zero hardscape borders in any of my beds. It’s just soil directly into lawn. While I know these could aid in preventing the grass and weeds from creeping in, I’ve never seen anything even close to attractive. What do you all do?