I feel a strong need to mix things up a bit this upcoming gardening season. I’m ready for a break from the norm.
A personal challenge, if you will.
I’ve bounced a few ideas around in my head for a while now and figured what the hell, why not share them with you and solicit your feedback. By making the challenge known, I’m hoping it will keep me on course with the pressure of failing publicly being the driving force.
So take a read through the options below and let me know which one you would find to be the most interesting or compelling or even humorous. After tallying up all of the votes, I will choose one and put an action plan in place immediately.
Let’s do this!
Option 1 – “Do nothing” – That’s right. I won’t purchase a single plant this year, reshape any beds, create any new gardens, etc. Simply relax. What if I tried to simply enjoy the garden for a year without the pressure of improving/changing it. This one scares me to death.
Option 2 – “Buy nothing” – A more relaxed version of the first option. No new plants added at all this year. The focus becomes properly maintaining what exists and “adding” through the division of existing plants. Trips to the nursery at lunch would make me cry, but the savings in cash would be nice.
Option 3 – “Strict budget” – I’ll pick a limited budget amount and carefully document each purchase along the way. No unnecessary splurges. A lot of lessons to be learned here and it isn’t as restrictive as options 1 and 2.
Option 4 – “Operation get kids involved” – Not as tough on me as the first three but it would be a time commitment with not a lot of excess time available. I’m imagining providing each with a mini plot and then leaving it all up to them as to what they want to plant. Sibling rivalry would be fun to watch. And I could say I personally inspired two future gardeners.
Option 5 – “All in” – The opposite of option 1 above. I’m thinking of setting a goal of eliminating 25% of my lawn with plants that are low maintenance and with low watering requirements. The manual labor would be tough but I could take advantage of early mornings once the weather warms up. I’d be sure to video my exhausting struggles.
Option 6 – “No more meat” – I’d commit to going vegetarian which would in turn make me focus on growing my own vegetables and enjoying them more. It would be tough but I’ve always thought about taking the leap.
My future is in your hands.