Please note the hat in the pic above. Some notes on said cap:
I received it as a surprise Christmas gift in the mail a few weeks back.
Upon its reveal, I felt a palpable sting of inspiration.
Why? Because I, in fact, am the Plant Fuckin Daddy.
This Plant Daddy is going to kill it in the garden in 2025.
And the killing will be documented in a daily journal where I will wax poetic about my gardening excellence and laugh in the face of my few failures.
I’m 52 years old.
I’m achy 100% of each day.
My son will be moving out of the house this summer and my daughter is a freshman all the way down south at the University of Georgia. I’m not sure how much longer we will remain in our home. It’s not the same without the four of us residing here regularly.
So with than in mind, I’m going to do my best to document and relish in the garden this year. I want to fully immerse myself in the process (not the results) and I want to have a record of it so I can reread and rewatch from my future rocking chair.
Stay tuned.