It always happens.
Yet I’m the dummy who thinks, “Maybe this is the time it won’t happen?”
Inevitably, I’m wrong.
It happened again last night.

My Buttonbush shrub (Cephalanthus occidentalis) devoured by the deer. Only a few “buttons” left behind.
It’s not surprising. The deer have done it before. A lot.
And you know what, they have every right to do it. This shrub isn’t marketed as “deer resistant” so all bets are off. I knew what I was getting into.
Am I sad? Yes. I planned to feature it here in a few days and I looked forward to the flowers persisting into winter.
But that won’t be happening.
Such is life.
The deer will not stop, they always come around at some point.
Don’t get discouraged. It’s not a reflection on your skills. Your mountain mint, grasses, and others are bulletproof. One day you will break down and get a fence, though.
Argh!! I had foolishly read someplace that buttonbush *was* deer resistant. Guess I’ll take a page from your experience (yes, another page thank you) and dig it up, give it to a friend. It’s only been living here since spring anyway. The deer always win.