I’m going to attempt something new. It will more than likely fail. But who cares? It seems like a good idea at this exact moment so I’m going to run with it.
The premise: post one photo of my garden each day with a corresponding blurb. Maybe it will be as simple as “I like it” or “How bad does this look?” or maybe I’ll share the background on when I first planted it or what inspired me to try it in the first place. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll shake your head in awe at my my magical abilities or you’ll shake your head in disgust, questioning my sanity. Maybe even a combination of all four. Fun, right?
And here’s the kicker: I’m going to attempt to do it for 365 days straight. One year. Straight. Never missing a day. This is where you guffaw and say, “Sure, John. I’m sure that will happen.” Doubt me, I dare you.
So here’s day 1, September 4th, 2023. Enjoy.
What you are looking at below, the tall purple-blooming perennials, are Vernonia noveboracensis or New York Ironweed.

My inspiration to purchase it: After a tour of the High Line in New York City, I vowed to find taller perennials I could add throughout my garden. This plant looked awesome growing out of the abandoned railroad tracks. Wild and weedy, in a good way. And also super tall. Striking and a focal point.
My biggest design complaint/obsession in my own garden was a lack of much needed height to break up similar heights on so many of my other perennials and shrubs. And I wanted something natural that fit my aesthetic and would thrive in my conditions. Translation: something native. Translation: NY Ironweed.
I planted three of these, four years ago and it wasn’t until year three that they popped, reaching a height of close to seven feet. My biggest concern is mistakenly pulling the newly emerging plants in spring when I’m ferociously weeding. But I studied what they look like in that state to prevent such a tragedy and made sure to not pull them where they reseeded in other areas of the garden. Will they become unruly with all of the reseeding? Bring it on, I can handle it.
Here’s to day one of the Daily Garden Photo initiative, even if it only lasts one day.
Wow, good for you with the challenge! Ironweed blooms are so vibrant and beautiful. Wild and weedy, maybe, but also a great and gorgeous native plant.
Looks great! And I know you can keep it up. I’m currently growing a shorter variety of Ironweed. It, too, is in bloom now.
I think I will try it
Ha, I planted one last year for the same reason (and late color/pollinators). I used this study by Chicago Botonanic Garden to chose a variety – incredibly informative. All was good until the new pup made a game of pulling up plants tags and now I can’t remember what one I bought…
Go for it, John! I have faith!
Ha, just discovered iron weed in my “garden”. Must have planted it a few years ago and forgot. So happy!
I look forward to seeing your photos. Inspiring, as I try to make my own jungly garden look a bit curated.
Bravo! On both the daily posts and the ironweed. It is a noble, regal native which I much love. My neighbor grows it on a shared lot line, so we both enjoy it, but I intend to scoop some up for myself one of these days.
Cool! Looking forward to the photos. I garden on sand so your garden looks so lush in comparison!
A daily dose of your inspiring garden and wit is much appreciated.
Looking forward to it
You have a nice expanse of open area there, to grow your iron weed. And since it seems to like relatively moist soil, should do well. A welcome plus to have it bloom in late summer/fall for a month or so, as well. And
sure to attract many pollinators.
Looking fwd to DAILY posts! Thank you!
Did you ever ID ‘Shenandoah’ Panicum in your garden? If so, I’d like you to post on it. I have so much of it and struggle to find the right setting for such an upright grass.
Daily photo…..heck yeah, bring it on.
Yay!! Daily humor AND plants? I can’t think of a better way to start the day.