If I’m going to make it to 365 straight Daily Garden Photos (DGP) as promised, you’re going to have to grant me some leeway with the photo subjects. It can’t always be a “garden” photo. But, I will do my best to ensure each pic has some sort of garden reference or pictures of plants within it.
Deal? Deal.
Today’s photo is a current day shot from Captain Sawyer’s Place, a bed and breakfast in Boothbay Harbor, Maine where my wife and I were engaged back in 1995. We stopped by during our vacation up that way this past summer and let the kids see where mom and dad made it official.

I won’t bore you with the details, but I got down on one knee in our room after spending days waiting for the perfect moment that never materialized. I don’t recall my exact words, but I know it was from the heart and I’m pretty sure it was awesome.
The funny thing is we never shared our engagement with the owners and still didn’t when we visited again this summer. My wife and I avoid the fanfare when at all possible.
BTW, the kids weren’t blown away with seeing a piece of our origin story in person.
Never change.
Wow, fortuitous recommendation as one of our kids will be moving out that way!
Thanks for this and your garden posts as well.
Great story.
Please keep DGP going. And thanks for reminding me what DGP means. It was a daily enigma.