I couldn’t use the “spring has sprung” cliché. I’m so above that.
But yes, I finally got out in the garden this weekend and kicked off “Operation Clean Up Before the Weeds Take Over and I Become Easily Defeated”. Also commonly known as OCUBWTOIBED (pronounced ok-you-bwi-toy-bed).
I’m thrilled to report that each and every Lady’s Mantle that had been divided and transplanted in the fall has returned. I magically turned 3 into 15 and when they all mature it’s going to be a killer scene on a rainy spring day with the raindrops emanating like sparkly diamonds into the garden-sphere.

I’m also proud of the sitch I created below where the white daffodils bloom in spring, clearly in view as one approaches my front door and once they’re spent, the fast growing Sedum covers them up so they can fade into oblivion without the need for me to remove the gnarly foliage.

I have so many grasses to cut down. It’s overwhelming and a frickin mess as the deadness blows all over the yard/street/town/county before I can gather it up and dispose of it. I managed to get through a few yesterday but we got a long way to go. It’s worth it, right?

I love to see my perennials spread year over year. Yes it can be excessive at times but I’m here for the challenge. Fill it all up you beautiful bastards, like the Monarda encroaching the Sedum below.

Creeping phlox is creeping towards bloom and creeping towards the front walkway to cover and soften it in purple deliciousness, just as I planned it years ago.

This legit has me giving myself repeated high-fives. The year over year increase in Allium bulbs is super exciting. I can’t wait to share the blooms with you in a few weeks.

Call me crazy, but I didn’t prune back any of the branches on this Ninebark this spring. I want to see just how big it can really get. Although that may make it a focal point, but in a bad way. We’ll see.

First bud/bloom on the Viburnum is here. No scent yet, but it’s coming and it will be delightful.

It will get biiiiggg, trust me
My Ninebark is no where near that big. Either I have a dwarf variety (is there such a thing?) or does it need more sun (east side)?
Everything is poppin through! Thanks for sharing.
Which allium bulb variety do you have that spreads? Crossing my fingers that it’s purple sensation because I planted some of those two falls ago hoping for some multiplication!
It is Purple Sensation!!