The Viburnum ‘Aurora’ is in full bloom.

The scent greets me every time I take the dog outside. She and I both love it.

Creeping phlox packing a punch as well. Please ignore the dandelion I missed. Just know I’m fully ashamed.

Mini hyacinths flowering their asses off.

Common scene throughout the garden: spring bulbs backed by dead grasses. Helps cover up for some time before the grasses kick into gear.

Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ rapidly approaching bloom and I’m here for it.

I have an unhealthy love for peony foliage after it emerges. I’ll say no more.

A new obsession of mine is Filipendula (Meadowseet). I’ve added close to a dozen to the garden within the past year. Foliage is great and the height, when in bloom, works well in the middle to back of a bed.

Wild Geranium foliage has fully emerged and here’s hoping the divisions from last spring will thrive and avoid the interest of the deer.