The first official flower appeared today (I don’t count the crocus blooms, don’t ask me why). Exciting times at the Markowski garden.

But let’s be honest here. This isn’t as thrilling as this.

Or this.

I love me some perennials and I love me some emerging perennial foliage. I don’t ever take their return each spring for granted. I will visit each individual plant daily moving forward and marvel at their growth, their peak bloom and even as they die off with grace in fall.
It may be time to revisit the book I published a few years back. An update may be in the cards with the perennials I’ve added since then. The perennial life cycle is what keeps me gardening.
Well that and the grasses.
Do update your perennial book-I’ll buy 2 copies!
I always enjoy your garden reports and photos. I have some of the same plants in my gardens and it’s fun to see the different progress in the different states. I am in the Pacific Northwest.
An update to your perennial book would be awesome! Seeing the plants through all the seasons is very helpful!
How exciting; your yard is further along than us Wisconsites – only have some peaks of spring on the lilac bushes and of course the wonder daylilies are showing their beautiful leaves. Best thing about spring is watching everything return to beautiful colors. Puts life in perspective with all the chaos. Thanks for sharing!
I love your work, inspiration, and love of gardening.
Did you know that crocus produces the most expensive herb on the Earth? Saffron.