What is up? How have you all been? Did you survive the never ending winter? Have you been back in the dirt?
Yes, I know it’s been a while since we last spoke. I hope you missed me, even just a little bit? If not, I totally get it. I wouldn’t have missed me and I’m a huge fan of me.
What have I been up to the last three months? Thanks so much for asking.
Writing a novel
Yes, I plotted out a story one night for fun and never looked back. The book is dark, it’s kind of violent, it’s twisted, it’s sweet and it has no gardening references. I just reached the 85,000 word mark and I can safely say that the true first draft is complete.
But here’s the thing: I have no idea if it’s decent or really sucks. Seriously. I have no right to believe I can snap my fingers and write a thriller. But I did just that. And I loved every single second of it. I got such a thrill from outlining, writing, editing, giving up, starting again, getting educated on how to write dialogue, dumping many ideas and coming up with new plot twists. The process was and is super enjoyable.
I now have the draft in the hands of a few others and I wait for their feedback. I received incredible direction from my wife and an old friend from high school after they read an early copy. I did my best to absorb that feedback and I can admit that they were 100% accurate in their assessments. A thicker skin is developing and I’m proud of that.
I’m sure this project will carry on for many more months and I’ll dance between “it’s the first one so it won’t be very good but you’ll learn a lot” and “you have to believe it’s great in order to finish it and hit the ‘publish’ button.”
I promise I won’t bore you with any more details the next few months.
Spring Training
Yes, we went to Port St. Lucie, FL again to watch our beloved New York Mets. Here are a few pics from a few weeks back.

College search
I just returned from a week’s worth of college visits in the southeast. My son is a junior in high school and we’re knee deep in the college prep era. We visited five schools starting with James Madison University and ending with North Carolina State University. It was an insane amount of driving as we ventured as far south as the University of Florida. But it was oh so worth it. A road trip loaded with memories, laughs, fast food and deep life discussions.

And FYI, college is expensive as hell, in case you hadn’t heard.
I’m a coach for my daughter’s travel softball team.
That same daughter is very involved in lots of other things.
Date nights where we can fit them in.
Which brings me to the reason you’re all here in the first place.
The garden.
I have no clue how I’m going to keep up with it this year. I’m overwhelmed and it’s only early spring. I have no delusions of grandeur thinking I can wake up early each morning or work late into the night in order to pull it off. We have multiple softball games every weekend now through the middle of July. Damn kids and their stuff.
Where this blog goes from here I have no idea. I stopped projecting a long time ago. I could end it all together or post three times a week moving forward. The second I make one declaration, I usually do the opposite. So only time will tell.
I did manage to get outside for a bit earlier in the week. And I limited my scope as much as possible. The only way to attack it is to do it in small chunks. Tackle one small section and enjoy that small section when it is done. It’s working, so far.
There is still little going on, but enough to stoke the gardening fire.
I’ll take it.

So glad you’re back. I missed your wit, your sarcasm, and your gardening instruction.
Thanks so much Bob!
Love thrillers!
Will it be an ebook?
Welcome back
Yes, definitely an e-book. Actually considering writing a sequel and releasing them within a few months of each other.
Glad you are back and all is well. Blog when/if you can, we will be happy to hear from you if even sporadically.
Thanks Mary!
Almost too busy for gardening. Not.
I know Raymond. It’s a travesty. I need to make the time.
If you haven’t already read it, I recommend this book for the first-time (or any) writer: “Bird By Bird: Instructions On Writing And Life,” by Anne Lamott. Good luck with your writing…and weeding.
I will definitely check it out Sheri. Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Hooray!Winter is over and you’re back.We’ll be glad to read whenever you feel like posting.
Thanks so much Kathy!
I’m so glad to see you’re back. Seriously, I wondered the other day if you would return. Life is busy when your kids are the ages of yours. Do what you can when you can and learn to live with it. If you need a totally impartial reader for your new novel send it to me. I mean it. I read a lot of mysteries and thrillers. Good luck with whatever you do whether it’s getting your novel published or continuing with the garden blog.
Thank you so much Beth! I will definitely take you up on the offer as I get further along and need true beta readers.
Glad to see you!
Lots of blogs have periodic slow times—just check in once in a while!
Will do Misti. I already feel another post coming on. Ha.
Believe it or not, but last week, while cutting down some ornamental grasses, I actually thought about you and realized you hadn’t been posting. So thanks for letting us know why, and, hey, it’s your blog, you get to decide what to do. I’ll miss your wit, if you decide to quit, but I’m betting you won’t. Given your very busy schedule, maybe twice a month to at least let us know you’re alive would do.
Thank you Pat! I still need to cut down all of my grasses. It’s daunting yet a sign that spring really is here. Woot woot!
Instead of sending your book draft to family members and college friends, editorial amateurs all, why not send it to a professional editor??
I actually have an editor in waiting. Just trying to make sure the book is somewhat presentable before doing so. And I’m terrified of the feedback. Ha!
So glad you’re back on the blog. Missed you and your wit.
Thank you Polly!
I, too, am glad you’re back – and recovered? – and think it’s fine for you to post to this blog whenever you feel like it. A few weeks ago I realized that I hadn’t seen it for a while, and I ended up here catching up on your older posts, which was fun.
How come there are no gardening references in your novel? Are you trying to keep these passions separate? Is it because you feel that they don’t belong in a dark, violent, and twisted story?
I actually still am considering even a small gardening reference. Or a future book that centers around gardening.
Hey, photos of spring training! Yes! Thanks!
Dude, I’ll be glad to get your post whenever and whatever it’s about. It’s your writing humor I feed on. Kudos on the new book! Proud of ya.
Thanks Chuck!!
I must confess also, have so missed seeing your blog in my inbox, John. Nice surprise to find you there!
Please do post when you can.
Thanks Deborah!
Welcome back! Good luck with your book. I have been looking at nursery catalogues and trying to restrain myself. Happy gardening season.
Thank you Mary!
Welcome back , John. I really like your garden attack of concentrating on one area at a time. Do you put blinders on because I find that weeds just taunt me as I’m walking by on my way to a specific area? Good luck with the book. I’ll watch for it.
I struggle with blinders but I’m doing the best I can. If not, I struggle to concentrate and panic. Ha.
I too have missed your blog but I am extremely excited about your new book. You make a mother very proud! Bravo!
So glad to see you back here! I wanted to fine some good photos of the Rotstrahlbusch and knew you had it and stumbled onto your update here; looks like I have to fix my feed. Enjoy your time with family and writing. Look forward to any snippets you can share with us along the way!