And just like that, we are back from vacation and slowly adjusting back to east coast time. It was a great trip with memories that will stick in Markowski lore, plus the realization that we like California … like a lot. Just knowing I could grown my own avocados is enough to push us all there at some point in the future.
The weather wasn’t so bad either.
Returning home to the garden after a long absence is always a bag of mixed emotions. It’s exciting to see progress and exciting to see what is newly blooming. At the same time, the weeds could dramatically expand without fear of eradication and I know that will set me back in my journey to create the perfect garden.
That last statement was sarcastic, FYI.
But what was more surprising than anything else was one emotion that stood above all else. One emotion I never anticipated upon our return. An emotion I don’t typically associate with the garden. But it was and is still here days later.
I need a change. Scratch that, I need many changes.
I need new and different. I’m bored with all that I’ve created and madly attempted to curate all these years.
I don’t like the feeling but I can’t deny it.
I have no time to implement these changes. And it wouldn’t be wise to start moving plants around during the dog days of summer. They wouldn’t be happy.
So I’m taking deep breaths and assessing the potential changes. I’m aware (finally) that my plant palette is somewhat limited based on my conditions, but oddly enough, I’m not looking to add new plants as much as I’m desiring a new look with my existing plants.
So maybe it’s a series of tweaks that I desire more than anything else. When I say that out loud it doesn’t feel as intimidating. It says “a little at a time”. It doesn’t erase all the blood and sweat I’ve poured in all these years.
I like that. I’m going to roll with it. I think I addressed my issue on the fly as I wrote this post.
Thanks for listening.