The nasty weather continues.
Five more inches of snow on Monday, followed by the melting of said snow and some additional rain to boot. Thou shalt not set foot in the garden and compact the soil even more.
Today we anticipate 50 mph winds for good measure. I had to snap the following pics in a very small window of time before all hell broke loose.
But who’s complaining. In the grand scheme of life, this means nothing. It’s the weather and we have no control over it. In due time our spring will be here and this will all be forgotten.
So while it still looks like November outside.
And it’s wetter than wet.
And pruning tasks have been put on hold.
And none of the ornamental grasses have been cut back.
And paths have yet to be cleared.
Bulbs continue to fight their way through debris.
Or feel like they’re imprisoned by old dead stems.
And the evergreens are still bothered by last years flowers.
There are still new signs of spring on a daily basis.
And the return of perennials where I had feared the worst.
Even bulb wars are keeping things interesting and weird.
And our enemies have returned for another year of the fight.
It is all good my friends.
It is all good.
Looked like November here in southern Wisconsin until it snowed and made everything look like January. But, as you say, it’s the weather. I have little to nothing showing in the garden at the moment — just a list of tasks waiting to be done when it dries out and warms up a bit. Only 19 degrees when I left the house at 6 am to meet friends for coffee. Can’t wait for Spring to arrive.
Amen Linda! More snow/rain/cold in the forecast for us this weekend. Ugh!!!!
Not much better in WV, the magnolia trees are getting ready to pop and I’m very much hoping they don’t get frosted, but it doesn’t look good
A rough one this winter huh Mary? We better be rewarded with a fantastic spring/summer. Best of luck with the magnolia trees!
We used to have the old-fashioned kind in our old house…it only bloomed every four years or so for just that reason. But OH. When it did…
Here is Ohio we have just experienced snow, hail and a good old tornado scare (it did touch down south of us) but today is bright and shiny. This is the time of year I positively itch to get out in my garden and clear away the debris of last year…there is nothing more symbolic than that, is there?
I loved this post for the camaraderie and your sentiment: it IS all good.
I’m feeling the camaraderie as well Cheryl and a lot of anxious gardeners chomping at the bit as well. Soon enough, soon enough.
Bummer! I can’t even imagine, ugh!
It was almost 90* here the other day. Back down to a reasonable 70s since.
The crocus are popping up and the daffodil foliage is getting taller. If we had just a few consecutive days of sun and warmth, we cold see some longed for color. But… we are threatened with snow on Monday. April is nothing if not unpredictable.
Love your observations about the volatile April weather, as well as the uncut ornamental grasses. Here in Colorado it s very challenging. 70 degrees two days ago and now there is snow and freezing rain with 30 degrees. In two days it’s projected to be in the 80s. My plants are so confused, but I know they will blossom in late April and May. There is always the magic of late Spring.