Before you break the bank for that $5.75 pumpkin spiced latte.
Before you start buying overpriced mums from Shop Rite.
Before you head to the basement to hunt down the Halloween decorations.
Before you start with the leaves and the leaf blower and the lawnmower.
Before you start telling me how great it is to take a stroll on a crispy September evening.
Before you go apple picking.
Before you ditch the flip-flops.
Before you start cutting down your dying perennials … Grrrrrrr.
Can I get one last shout-out for summer?
Much appreciated.
It’s still summer here in Texas, don’t you worry!
We may have fall bloomers but the heat and humidity still say summer.
And that pumpkin spice latte has already been bought and was delish!
Misit – For those of you south of the Mason Dixon line, you are allowed all of the pumpkin lattes you can consume.
Love the texture that faded flowers and seed heads add to the garden tableau. And spotting a colorful straggler that is late to the party standing out among the browning brethren (and, yes, I remember that brown is a color, too) sometimes stops me in my tracks to gaze upon its unexpected freshness. I’ll have a fleeting moment for reflection on life cycles and resiliency and might even find a few lines from the old song ‘Turn, Turn Turn” by The Byrds pop into my head.
You nailed it Michaele! Couldn’t have said it better.
this summer has had, on balance, the nicest weather of any since my childhood, i think, at least in my neighborhood. –suz in northeast ohio, who spent a good hour on the internet yesterday trying to find or concoct a recipe for pumpkin spice or a pumpkin spice coffee drink i can make for myself without sugar and heavy cream, or assorted other bad stuff. first try was not too bad, but will keep trying.
Good to hear Suz! I’ll allow you to have a pumpkin spiced anything. Ha.