We’re going to jump around a bit as I am way fired up about my garden these days. And when I say fired up, I don’t mean 100% pumped. If I had to estimate the “pumped up happy” versus “pumped up annoyed and rattled” ratio it is at about 60/40 right now.
Gardening, that relaxing hobby.
Here we go.
The section of my garden along the front of my home is providing some serious color right now.
And here are my thoughts:
- Is it too much color? Too loud? I think I love it but maybe I hate it and can’t bare to allow myself to know it.
- I do know for sure that I love the fact that there is no room for another plant and therefore no room for weeds. It is full and lush and that feels good.
- Is it a bit overwhelming for visitors upon entering my home? I didn’t want the traditional “foundation planting look” and I’ve succeeded on that front but again, is it too much?
- I’ve received a lot of props from visitors so I should shut my mouth and move on to the more needy and weedy (see what I did there) areas in the garden.
I have no idea what cultivar of Campanula I have here but holy hell they are taking over. Do I enjoy it and ride it out or panic and remove them as a good manager of plant invasiveness?
Tell me what to do already.
I’ve struggled with Ligularia ‘Britt Marie Crawford’ many times previously and killed two others but now it looks kind of healthy. But, none of that great red foliage color. Hmm. Glass half full or half empty?
My massive bee balm collection is about to bloom and when it does, it is a wallop of color and draws in more creatures than any other plant in my garden. Brace yourself. Major photo explosion is coming.
Compare this section of the garden to what I showed you previously with all that color. Which do you prefer and why? Seriously, put it in the comments as I would love to get a conversation going.
Last one for today.
We all know one shouldn’t move a shrub on a warm sunny day in summer.
You guessed it.
I did.
Can’t help myself.
When I have an idea I can’t get it out of my head until I act on it.
True story, I came up with the idea to move the Ninebark ‘Amber Jubilee’ below while in the shower. Before the shower was complete, I got out, put on my gloves and moved the SOB. I love where it is but now I’ve had to severely baby it to get it through the harsh weather.
So no, that is not some super cool new colored Ninebark, it is a severely stressed one that looks like it would on like October 23rd in full autumn color decline. Not smart but at least I own it, right?
QOTD. What dumb thing do you do in your garden over and over again even though you know it is dumb?
I prefer the first section, I think, and I think it may be because the juxtaposition of colours and shapes has worked better in that area, whereas the all green foliage section looks a bit untethered as a whole, as in there’s nothing pulling it together to be a cohesive team putting on a display.
Thanks Jen! Now I’m inspired to make that “green” area cohesive although it may look a lot better in a few weeks when the Clethra and Joe Pye are in bloom. Def needs something else in spring/early summer though.
Your colorful garden is da bomb. How could you question this??
The green garden is lacking in a focal point. It’s just green mounds. A sculpture, a container planting, a small paved space with a chair or bench, something that gives it purpose would help.
The ninebark will totally survive. They are weeds. Beautiful wonderful weeds.
Your Britt-Marie ligularia is a stumper. Wow, it’s so not like mine. I wonder if it was mis-labeled. Mine is growing in a boggy and very shady location, only morning sun. Honestly, it’s magnificent, one of the stars of the garden. Perhaps in too much sun they grow like yours? I really don’t know.
What stupid things do I do over and over? How much time do you have…. How about insisting that something grow under that huge lilac bush which sucks every ounce of moisture out of the surrounding 30 square feet. How many plants have died there…. This year, probably adding achillea and agastache to the long list. I should just go the astroturf route.
First off, love “da bomb”. The green should improve as we get into summer but I’m overthinking a means to get a nice large container in there some how. I agree, no worries with the 9bark. I’m stumped on Britt Marie too although it did start red when I first got it so I think it is the real deal. Astroturf is way underrated. Thanks so much for the feedback!
I love both the colorful front yard and the green back yard. I don’t think the front is too colorful at all…especially since the colors are all very sympathetic (not jarring or garish). I do stupid things all the time…too many to mention
Thanks Scott. The “green” really pops in Fall so I accept it as is until then. At that point, the grasses kick into gear, a thing you may know just a bit about since your grasses kick more ass than anyone else I know.
Both are beautiful! One to get you revved up and one to relax your eyes. Let the campanula take over. It’s not aggressive for me but if it is then what a pretty thug! I move things whenever or the alternative has historically been never. Just accept your punishment of daily watering, lol!
Thanks Kim! I like that outlook a lot. The campanula stays for sure, just a momentary panic plus the wife likes it a lot. Glad there is someone else who moves with reckless abandon.
I’d be tickled to pull up to your house and see that great garden welcoming me. I’d definitely experience an inner “Oh, goody” and hope I had time for a walk about. Your color palette is not at all over the top. The repetition of the different blues is calming and lets the other colors do the popping. I don’t have a problem with the back because I know the textures and movement of the grasses would provide visual interest when seen in person… even now. And, of course, in the late summer and fall, they’ll be center stage in all their glory.
Hmm, mistakes…planting asian jasmine in an area that it was much too happy in. It built up a terrifying head of steam…I worried for my safety. I had to resort to Round-Up.
Michaele – My garden wouldn’t be that welcoming. So far to go on that front. I just present it well with the camera. But you are right, late summer is when that section of the garden pops and becomes the focal point. I don’t know much about asian jasmine, but I’m terrified now. Ha.
And you say you don’t like flowers??
I may like flowers a tad. Ha.
Dude, that entry garden is to kill for! I love the color, the form, the shape, the EVERYTHING! Much prefer it to the second one you showed–no color on the second one…yet I expect there may be later this summer/fall.
As for the Campanula , collect the seeds and offer them as a prize to the first five people who send you a self- addressed stamped envelope_—Me-me-me will be first to do that! Then you need not worry about it taking over.
Thanks Glory! I love the seed idea, now I need to see how easy they are to collect. And you’re right, that “green” section really shines in late summer/fall.
I like the colorful part. I do love the green, but some splashes of color always make it more exciting.
Ligularia… I just want mine to survive! Slugs find it anywhere, so I keep moving it…
No spare room = No weeds. I like it!
Thanks Tatyana! No slug issues for me, just slow decline into the humidity of summer. Makes me crazy!
“Too much color? Too loud? A bit overwhelming? ” Holy Cow – maybe time to go back to the original title ONG! Completely overthinking it. Just look at it – It’s wonderful! A lovely mingling of colors and textures to welcome visitors. The all green back yard has great texture but is somewhat less striking now since it has no contrast of colors, but those are coming soon.
I’d let the campanula do it’s thing. if it strays too far it’s not hard to pull, and it’s beautiful. If Ligularia is susceptible to slugs or snails it wouldn’t last long in my garden. They can completely ruin a plant overnight.
I have a Center Glow ninebark but seeing your Amber Jubilee makes me think I need to find room for another! Beautiful! And they seem very forgiving.
The dumbest thing I do again and again is to not make time to mulch in Spring. Really dumb and now I’ll be paying for it in weeding and watering. I should know by now that rain or shine it has to get done!
You can take the ONG out of the gardener but you can’t … or however that goes. I ALWAYS mulch too late too and that is why 2 hours were spent yesterday weeding. Dumb and I keep doing it. Thanks for the comments!!
I keep ordering Daylilly JoanSenior off-line and repeatedly keep getting gentle shepherd. Eeeee!! Every year I search my local nurseries and do not find one. So my friend if you perhaps know someone who is propagating them please ask them to send me a piece. I am so frustrated I know the difference in the appearance so I do not know why they keep sending people gentle shepherd. Yours is a prime example of a gorgeous Joan senior. Keep up the good work . And bid me good luck. Thank you for your blog and your time. Happy summer!
I love both the color area and the green area. I think color = spring but the green is great for other times of the year.
Misti – you totally nailed it. That “green” area is pleasant and then in mid summer/fall it pops. Or at least it does in my opinion. Ha.