What you are about to read is the story of how one family came to find Curiosity Doughnuts and how it has changed their perspective on breakfast forever. Keep searching locally and you too can find the next treasure in your ‘hood.
You know the type of weekend morning I’m talking about. You wake up later than expected, still cannot function properly and have no desire to put even an ounce of effort into preparing breakfast.
That was us this morning.
On top of that, we’ve been crazy busy since returning from vacation a few days ago and haven’t had a chance to restock the pantry. Add it all up and it is all about dad grabbing the keys and making the breakfast run.
None of us were in the mood for the old stand-by, the bagel, and Dunkin Donuts wasn’t going to cut it because well, they’re not good. My daughter suggested a trip to the Stockton Market, a weekend-only market just one town over from us, that offers up everything from fresh local vegetables, flowers and local fare which includes a number of killer bakeries. We hadn’t visited in a few months and it made sense to make the trek again.
She and I jumped in the car, me looking like I was recovering from a two week bender when in reality I fell asleep at 10:30 the night before watching Better Call Saul, and headed to just one of our favorite local establishments. I may have looked all banged up but the payoff was going to be worth it.
And it was closed.
Not open until 10:00 AM and it was 9:15.
No wonder we found such a prime parking spot. Son of a … what do we do now?
Right before we pulled away in a panic, we noticed that the cafe attached to the market was open. Ok, that could work, so we got back out of the car and ventured on in.
We quickly scanned the 4-5 kiosks that were open for business but were immediately drawn in by the last spot on the left, near the back of the store.
Curiosity officially piqued.
As we approached the Curiosity Doughnuts counter, we were greeted not only by the sweetest woman, but a display of doughnuts that made us both swoon.
I’m talking authentic looking roundish pillows of doughy deliciousness that smelled like heaven if it were inhabited by yeast and butter and sugar and happiness. Breakfast plans solidified.
Choices included cinnamon-cardamom-sugar (Jamie’s fave), maple glazed, chocolate devil’s food cake, vanilla glazed, chocolate glazed, lime zest, tutti fruitti and some killer combo of butterscotch and crushed pretzels topping (my fave). I’m sure I’m missing many others but it’s so difficult to take it all in when you are stuck in a doughnut stupor.
We ultimately settled on ordering eight different doughnuts which if my math is correct, equals two per family member. I wanted to order more but some how managed to show some restraint. As we were ready to depart, the owner, and an immediately likable chap, offered some just-made-custard to my daughter because you know, why not, and she enjoyed it on the ride home. Nice.
Speaking of the ride home, we were tempted to sample the doughnuts during the drive but ultimately agreed that this was too significant of an event to not experience together as a family. It almost hurt to wait.
After the ten minute drive home, Jamie and I skipped into the house, thrilled to share our find with my wife and son. As I opened the Curiosity Doughnuts box and revealed our treasures,
there was a five second silence as we all allowed the scent to engorge our noses and take us to a simpler time when all that mattered was a good doughnut.
They were the
That is no exaggeration. OMG … no scratch that … OMFG.
Our lives had been changed forever.
I’m still an amateur food reviewer, so the best I can describe it was warm, crunchy on the outside and moist and cake-like on the inside; it almost made a popping sound as I bit into it. Imagine the best doughnut you’ve ever had and then add on at least 25% more deliciousness.
After wolfing them all down, I grabbed the laptop and started to research this company. Without regurgitating the details here, I highly recommend that you read the following links which further aid in the appreciation of their creations.
Elevating a Munchie to Amazingness
NJ doughnut shop offers fried treats a la mode
America’s newest doughnut destination
Did you read both? You really should, as it is interesting to learn that:
- The owners currently live in New Hampshire and commute to Hunterdon County, NJ each weekend.
- The owners are the authors of multiple cookbooks.
- The owners are food scientists and consult with chefs all over the world.
And much more so one more plea to go back and read the Curiosity Doughnuts links above.
I’ve also come to learn that the owners now make fried chicken along side the doughnuts and after reading this article, Fried Chicken Joins the Party, I’m literally drooling all over the keyboard.
So one final reminder, the doughnuts are to die for.
My daughter fully endorses them.
And my dog, Mia cannot stay away from Curiosity Doughnuts as well.
If you all ask nicely, I’ll kindly ship them to you anywhere in the world, for a very small fee. They are THAT good.
thanks for an inspirational post! Your one link though, “Elevating a Munchie to Amazingness”, is broken: “http://elevating%20a%20munchie%20to%20amazingness/” – no host specification???
maybe the full/correct link is this?:
Just fixed it and added another link to boot. Let me know if they all look OK and thanks so much for reaching out!
I have no idea how I found this article – but a read a lot of food blogs so that’s probably the connection – and I envy you those doughnuts LOL
But I could NOT be more delighted to have found your wonderful photos! I’ve started spending a little time each day drawing/painting and I find that what I enjoy most is botanical subjects – you’ve offered up a treasure trove for cold and rainy days
See, that’s why I got up an hour before the alarm . . . kismet!
Thanks so much Cherie! I wish I could draw a lick and envy those who can. Enjoy! Hope you stop by again, promise to provide more fodder for you.
No really…would you ship them? I am obsessed with a good donut but sadly am located halfway across the country. Glad you enjoyed them!
Christina – I really wish I could ship them. Heading back again this weekend and may post more up close shots of the different varieties. Easily the best I’ve ever had and not even close. Thanks for stopping by!