This is an update to the original Miscanthus Gracillimus post from 5 years ago. I’ve learned and experienced quite a bit more since then and honestly, the photos are a hell of a lot better.
Miscanthus Gracillimus made it on to my top ten ornamental grasses post and has for me personally, remained the most upright Miscanthus residing in my garden today.
Before I share some additional photos and my experience with Miscanthus Gracillimus, here is some information to whet your ornamental grass whistle:
- Like all Miscanthus, it is a warm season grass, so the new foliage doesn’t begin to grow until temps warm up in the spring.
- Gets 6 to 7 feet tall and about 3 to 4 feet wide
- Survives in zones 5-10
- Prefers full sun to bright shade
- Blooms late September until frost; blooms are a reddish bronze
- Deer resistant
- Great as a specimen, background or massed into a hedge
- Stays upright all winter extending it’s architectural interest for three full seasons
- Can be divided in spring before new growth emerges
- It is one of the oldest cultivars of Miscanthus but is still popular today
Some of my photos:
Fall color emerging in late October. Great complement to all of the red hues.
And the standard brown/buff in November. This Miscanthus stands at attention all winter even under the most extreme conditions.
An example of its versatility. Here she is in summer, quietly hanging out in the background, minding her business.
And then in fall, she displays fantastic color and completes one of my favorite vignettes in my garden.
Having said all that, I have a dirty little secret. My Miscanthus Gracillimus looked great in bloom this past year.
But a peak behind the curtain tells a different story.
Only about half of the grass emerged from the cut back stems this year and my gardening prowess tells me it is time to divide it. It will be a hell of a job but I’m determined to pull it off. I’m thinking this one grass will become three smaller versions in spring. My hands may fall off or I might throw my back out, but it will be worth it in the end; for my garden’s sake and for great blog fodder.
I’m so glad to know the name of this. My across the street neighbor has it and couldn’t remember the name. THank you. Tammy
It’s very pretty. I wonder if there are other gardeners like me who simply weed wack around native grasses leaving some tall clumps so it looks like I planted them? Yeah, yeah, I’m a lazy ‘native grass’ grower…
Hi Dirt Digger,
I love Miscanthus. Such spectacular plants and they have that lovely relaxing rustle to them in a breeze. Mine is now chopped down to ground level as it didn’t do so well this year. Still…..always next year to try again! Thanks for sharing.
I’d like to grow some grasses; there are some really good ones. There was a fiery red one here but I think it died of neglect.
Sadly, they go against my policy of edible stuff only!
Your grasses are gorgeous. I love the way you combine shapes
I just divided my miscanthus and placed the pieces in anew bed…. it has been so dry I’m kind of worried about them. Spring is starting to sound like a better time! ^^
I love Miscanthus too, and that’s a beauty.
Fourth picture from the top:-
Can’t take my eyes off this image. Grass in the background and yucca in the foreground. Great shot!
Love the view aproaching your steps. I never thought about planting ornamental grasses before but you have managed to encourage me to plant a couple this year. I’ll keep a look out for this one too!
so did you hack it this spring. i’m planning on doing that to the 2 that i have. tho with trepidation. they look pretty spectactular but have gotten rather large. my question do u just simply cut them in half like u would a hosta? or can u take a smaller amount, try to tetain shape?