I despise the cold weather and it is getting worse and worse as I get older.
I hate the snow and I do not find it to be the least bit “cozy”. It physically hurts my eyes to even glance at it.
I don’t ski and find sledding to be way overrated.
But even after having said all that, I have come to appreciate the winter garden. It is a reminder of what was, a chance to rest and recharge and at the same time, a promise of what is to come.
I recently put on my big boy pants and a warm jacket, and set out to capture just some of the plants in the winter garden. After reviewing all of the photos I had taken, I realized that I had similar shots of those same plants during the spring and summer. So as a means of contrast, I’ve included the most current pic and then one from earlier when it warm and delicious outdoors.
Tropical milkweed, which is an annual and one that reseeded for me this past year.
Eupatorium ‘Wayside’ which looks like the annual Ageratum but is truly a perennial.
A combo of Bee Balm, Joe Pye Weed and Clethra ‘Hummingbird’.
Juniper ‘Wichita Blue’, Bee Balm and Panicum ‘Rots’.
Salix ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ (Dappled Willow) with its awesome stem colors.
Amsonia tabernaemontana looking cool and curly. Still a personal favorite of mine during all seasons.
I love the dried seed capsules of Baptisia and admittedly have yet to explore how to save the seeds. That is what winter is all about, research and reading.
Sedum ‘Red Carpet’ peeking through what little snow we have right now.
And old reliable, the Purple Coneflower. I always enjoy watching the finches pay a visit and feast on the seedheads.
I love the way you contrasted them from spring/summer to winter. I love the stark beauty of them all in winter. I have never lived in snow only visited. I am grateful my journeys landed me in Houston were winter is quite mild. I grew up in San Diego which has very mild winters. Thank you for sharing your winter garden!
Lovely after and before images. We’re thinking the same way re: winter. Except I chose to close the curtains and read a good book. Seems my “big boy” pants don’t quite fit.
Time for a hike this weekend, though, as the temps are going to moderate a bit.
Great pics, especially the last shot!