An update on my state of mind:
This week I snapped a photo as best I could of a Red Shouldered Hawk chilling on the kids playground. Yes it is endangered in NJ, yes I’ve submitted its existence to both NJDEP and FERC. Nailed it!
Now we wait.
This is just the tiniest microcosm of why this pipeline cannot come to fruition.
In a wonderfully awful mash-up, I went on a local radio show “Into the Garden” to not talk gardens, but all things gas pipelines. The two gentleman who accompanied me were incredibly informed and if you had listened, you would give this project zero chance. Freaking smart and dedicated people.
A quick aside – my hairline is disappearing rapidly. My large dome cannot handle this.
Since the “announcement” that my property would be directly impacted by the Penn East pipeline, I had yet to obtain and plant a single plant. That protest is officially over. I feel optimistic (subject to change) and energized once again. Amazing what a few Sweet Flag can do for the psyche.
The deer are apparently optimistic as well as they no longer fear the repercussions of destroying my shrubs. They must sense I am more at ease and it is OK to devour the hydrangeas now.
While I’m feeling better of late, the panic and anger hasn’t completely dissipated. A co-worker in typical corporate-speak mumbled “What else do we have in the pipeline for this project?” After a few deep breaths, I retorted with “Nothing” and calmly added “Don’t ever ask me that again.”
As far as I can tell, my intimidation worked.