Yes, autumn has officially arrived and I will just have to accept it.
Sigh …
It may be in the high 70’s/low 80’s today, but judging by the current state of the garden, the fall has been here for a while now. And I have to admit, it looks freakin incredible.
Whether I like it or not, I realize that the Fall brings out the best in my own garden. Ornamental grasses are the focal point/star-of-the-show right now and as you may know, I like me some grasses.
Throw in some blooming perennials, fading-in-a-good-way plants, foliage changes on shrubs, some much needed rain and cooler weather and you have a recipe for some stunning views.
Here is the latest out in my garden:
Veronica ‘Royal Candles’ still blooming after multiple pruning attempts, Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’ and Micanthus purpurascens (Flame Grass).
Dwarf sneezeweed and Micanthus purpurascens (Flame Grass).
Dwarf sneezeweed and Amsonia (Bluestar).
Panicum (Switch Grass) ‘Northwind’, Itea (Sweetspire) ‘Henry’s Garnet’ and Clethra (Summersweet).
Red Twig Dogwood and Physocarpus (Ninebark) ‘Diablo’.
A different view of the prior mentioned plants.
Pennisetum ‘Hameln’ and Eupatorium (Joe Pye Weed) ‘Gateway’.
Eupatorium (Joe Pye Weed) and Boltonia (False Aster).
Amsonia (Bluestar) and Physostegia (Obedient Plant) ‘Vivid’.
Your garden is stunning in Autumn. I love the way you have contrasted the colors of plants and flowers to really set each other off! Great photographs!
Just wonderfully wondrous (or wondrously wonderful) but you don’t need me to tell you that. Just love it all.
Oh yes, I would agree that your garden looks stunning in autumn! Congratulations! If I can get Boltonia and Asters and Blue Mistflower and Zigzag Goldenrod to grow without the rabbits eating them, maybe my garden will look decent in autumn, too.
I like the Amsonia with the Obedient Plant … well, actually, I like every combination you’ve shown here!
Lovely autumn ‘takes’ in your garden, John!
John, your garden and your photography skills are fabulous! Just beautiful.