Today I will take a back seat and allow the photos to do all of the talking for me.
I know you all visit here for my sick wordsmithing skills but you’ll just have to wait for another day.
Because if I write too much it distracts from the purpose of today’s post.
And that would be a travesty since the 15th of each month is dedicated to all that is blooming in our gardens.
Some times we just want to see beautiful photos and bypass all of those silly words that get in the way.
So with than in mind, I won’t write a thing today.
Because, you know, I care.
Truly I do.
Like, a lot.

Spent Joe Pye Weed blooms in front, Panicum (Switch Grass) ‘Rots’ and Sorghastrum (Indian Grass) in back from left to right.
I’ve decided I “need” some Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’. Happy GBBD!
Do love the blue/purple of the hardy ageratum this time of year.
Though have found once well established, it can spread aggres-
sively through out the garden, making more than needed!
Like your physostegia. My white version finished already last month.
I love this blog. I’m a landscraper by trade,of,30 year’s. This is not only beautiful,but,informative!! It’s a great read!