While I was driving my 9 year old daughter to summer camp this morning, I overheard her say to her friend “I’m pissed off …”. I have no idea what she was pissed about and it didn’t matter. She said it with such ease as it naturally rolled off of her tongue. It was wonderful. It was passionate. It was heartfelt. And I love her for it. I hope she maintains that same passion and zest for life as she gets older. She is a welcome addition to our pacifist family. And maybe she can channel that into fighting the next pipeline that will be scheduled to come directly through our family room in 2019.
I just found out that my 13 year old son sent a letter to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in opposition to the Penn East Pipeline. I haven’t read it but hope to do so soon and publish it here. Will Christie read it and does he give a rat’s ass about this pipeline? You be the judge?
Irregardless (and I use the word in anger because it doesn’t really exist) my son has such a gift for words at a young age. He communicates best through the typed page and oh how I can relate. It is fascinating to observe the drastic differences between my two children and we love the hell out of them for those differences.
Getting old alert – This is a difficult one to admit, but here it goes: My work wife buddy and I walked the mall today at lunch so we could up the number of steps on our Fitbits. That much I will admit. However, there is no truth to the reported rumor that we were wearing matching pure white walking shoes and fanny packs. Although I will happily admit that I dominated in Bridge later that day. Maybe I should take a little breather from fighting this pipeline? It is aging me rather quickly.
I may have been a little premature in my garden obituary from last Friday. We had family that we hadn’t seen in a long time over at our abode for a barbecue yesterday and they were exceedingly complimentary on the “landscaping”. When someone actually touches a plant and sighs with pleasure, I get a little verklempt. Yes I planted that and yes I could tell you its backstory for hours on end. And yes, I will create a garden for you wherever and whenever you want it.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/in-the-shadow-of-dulles-airport-the-hunt-for-a-threatened-bat/2015/08/02/90b539c2-2f20-11e5-8353-1215475949f4_story.html I wonder if the same care and consideration, obviously not to humans, is being given in the environmental impact study…loved this post on so many levels; your kid, your admiration and your zest, albiet hammered by recent events, for your plants