If I had to sum up my garden in let’s say, six words, and if it also had to be a killer name for a rock band, it would be “Joey Pye and the Grasses”. Phenomenal, right? Can’t you just imagine the band logo?
I have gathered quite a few Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium) plants over the years. I can always find room for one more and have no issue tucking them into tight spots. If I measured “square feet taken up by particular plants”, ornamental grasses would be the winner with Joe Pye coming in 2nd place.
It all started with a few 6 foot tall Eupatorium purpureum and eventually evolved into smaller cultivars as well. They seem to work with everything; other summer blooming perennials, shrubs and ornamental grasses to name a few.
These are absolutely the most reliable perennials in my garden and the deer and rabbits leave them alone. I have some in full sun, others in partial sun, some in waterlogged soil and others in drier soil. They thrive everywhere.
Have I mentioned that the critters totally dig them?
Here are a few in bloom as of this week.
If you look closely at the three photos above, you’ll notice that there are grasses in the vicinity of all of the Joey Pyes. Go ahead, take a closer look … I’ll wait.
In a few more weeks, the Eupatorium and ornamental grasses will really start to take over. You’ll notice it as a common theme in most of my August/September blog posts.
Speaking of grasses …
Karl Foerster has been blooming for a few weeks now.
And are a nice backdrop for summer blooming perennials.
Panicum ‘Northwind’ (imagine me now dropping the mic and walking off stage). That is an indication of their awesomeness factor.
Other Panicum, like ‘Heavy Metal’ are showing signs of initial bloom.
And Panicum ‘Rots’ has that initial red coloring we all know and love.
Speaking in very general terms, I find myself disliking Miscanthus more and more. While the ‘purpurascens’ below has off the charts great fall color, they have no real shape or impact until that point.
Speaking of “lack of shape’, Pennisetum ‘Karley Rose’ has none and most likely needs division in the near future.
Many more grass discussions to come in the very near future.