This spring (end of March) I pruned my Redtwig Dogwood just about to the ground.
And here is how it looks as of today, June 10th.
It took a while to get going in April and early May but man has it taken off since. And it couldn’t look more fresh and healthy. I’m even convinced the leaves are much larger than they have ever been.
So to date, all is good. The next test will be in the Fall/Winter as we analyze the redness of the stems.
Next up is the Salix (Dappled Willow). This deciduous shrub was also cut back severely in March.
And holy crap Batman has this savage shrub recovered quickly.
We’re talking about 6 feet high and wide.
The coloration early on was phenomenal.
And then settled in at about the same color as it was at this time last year.
What I now know for sure, is that it will require a yearly pruning in early spring in order to not outgrow its current location.
Such is the life of an avid gardener.
Even though it’s not the same as going off to war, pruning aggressively does take courage. Glad to see such a positive outcome for your efforts.
Rebound results look mighty fantastic, John!