Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be awesome.
I was extremely fortunate to be contacted by Ames, the legendary garden tool company, about providing a tool giveaway this spring. To say I was all jacked up is an understatement.
Over the years I’ve often been approached by companies looking for me to pimp their product. I’ve made it a point to be ultra selective along the way. I could write a fascinating post about all that I’ve turned down.
But when something like this comes along, you raise both hands and say “yes please”. And not only do I get a chance to review and use these tools, but I get a chance to give these away to one of you as well. That is known as a win,win, win.
So without further ado, here is the “New Homeowner Collection” from Ames I’ll be giving away today:
This collection has everything the new homeowner/gardener needs to complete all of the basic gardening tasks.
But before I get to the specifics of the contest, I want to share my thoughts on each of these tools as I have had a chance to take them all for a test drive. So let’s walk through each of the six items one by one.
Collector Series Steel Handle 26 in. Poly Leaf Rake
This rake features an innovative head and large basket design to help gather more leaves in less time. With its unique design, all tines are in contact with the ground at one time, so leaves are collected quickly and efficiently.
If you know me, I love my ornamental grasses as much as my children and it can be a nightmare trying to cut them all down (the grasses that is) to the ground in spring. The clean up is a long and arduous task and I’m still working on it as we speak.
This was the perfect opportunity to trial this rake for the grass clippings clean-up.
Typically with other rakes I find that half of the dead foliage is left behind with each stroke of the rake. Not with this one. It was an easy clean-up and I was immediately sold on the effectiveness of this rake.
This Ames border spade is ideal for creating defined landscape borders and can also be used for digging and transplanting trees and shrubs.
I am terrible with creating nice and clean edgings on the borders of all of my garden beds. I am not a fan of using any type of material as I like the more natural look of bed spilling into lawn. I tend to treat the edgings as less of a priority and then sit back and kick myself when the beds look great but the edging looks sloppy.
No more I say. Time to attend to this task on a regular basis. Out came the new spade and the messy bed line shown below …
… became this with the greatest of ease. Seriously, it could not have been done with any less effort. The spade easily cut through the sod and withstood my massive boots and 6 ft. 3 in/220 lb frame.
The ergo gel grip hand trowel is used for planting, transplanting, weeding, moving, and smoothing soil. The trowel features an ergonomic handle design with a soft gel-grip insert that cushions the hand and provides maximum comfort. The blade is made of strong stainless steel for the most durability.
There is no tool I use more than a trowel. I am constantly ordering plants on the smaller size from online retailers and therefore spend a ton of time planting said plants. This would be the perfect timing for a test run as I just received a shipment of plants this week.
A sweet Sambucus ‘Lemony Lace’ was ready to be introduced to its new home (until I move it again).
It is quite common for me to come across rocks of all shapes and sizes when planting. I’ve even had to go to the emergency room after trying to remove one (long story). So wouldn’t you know it, there was a stone in my way while planting the Sambucus.
The trowel was strong enough to toss that rock aside like it was nothing and I must say, the gel grip felt awfully nice on my manly yet delicate hands. Planting was a piece of cake.
Ergo Gel Grip Hand Transplanter
The ergo gel grip hand transplanter is used for planting seeds and transplanting seedlings into planters or small beds. The tool head includes a measurement scale to guide you in creating depth levels for planting. The tool can also be used for dividing and transplanting perennials. The transplanter features an ergonomic handle design with a soft gel-grip insert that cushions the hand and provides maximum comfort. The blade is made of strong stainless steel for the most durability.
Yes to all of the above, but for me I knew right away what I would use it for most … weed removal. That pointy head is perfect for piercing the soil and “popping out” the millions of weeds I remove by hand each spring/summer.
In she went:
… and out popped the good old dandelion.
The Ames bow rake is designed to loosen and level soil. The 16 steel tines work hard to break up hard compacted soil or mulch and spread the material evenly. It is of good value to homeowners with smaller landscaping and gardening requirements.
One of my many spring tasks is to break up the existing mulch with a rake not only so it will look all pretty but to also allow for water to seep on through. So out came the rake …
… and the mulch was successfully and easily raked through.
I love the feel of this rake. Lightweight yet strong and seriously the best one I’ve ever used.
Long Wood Handle Round Point Shovel
This tool is durable and dependable to be utilized for general lawn and garden work. It is the most basic garden tool with a tempered steel blade suitable for digging, planting, cutting sod, and small roots.
I can’t count the number of ways I’ve already used this shovel but just know it feels indestructible. And that is good. I absolutely love the “comfort step” as seen below as it allowed me to really dig in when I was digging out an ornamental grass for division purposes.
This tool will not be leaving my side for the foreseeable future.
And yes ladies and gents, this entire collection can be yours. It is as simple as leaving a comment on this post. The comment can be about your excitement level for this contest, how much you love the spring, how my gardening skills are like no other or simply leave your name and say “I want in.”
Here are the Terms & Conditions:
The AMES Spring Tool Giveaway begins Wednesday April 22nd and ends 6:00 PM on Saturday May 2nd. AMES will send the winner the set of 6 tools listed above once the winner and winner’s shipping address are confirmed. The winner will be announced within 24 hours of the contest closure. Entrants must be 18 years or older and live in the United States. All methods of entry are 100% optional.
And that is it. You know you want in. Do it now.
Disclosure: I received free tools from AMES in exchange for writing a tool review and for the opportunity to give something back to my readers. Opinions expressed are 100% my own and are in no way influenced by AMES.
What a great set of tools! I would be honored to have them in my garden shed. That shovel looks amazing! Thanks so much for the chance.
Thank you for hosting such an informative blog. it’s fun to get to see plants that do not grow here like dogwood and willow as well as your stories in the garden. The Ames tool giveaway would be a great way to replace some of my badly weathered tools thank you for the opportunity.
My garden tools have been abused over the last 16 years by my children. Since my children are no longer children winning these tools will last many many years considering they are grown up now. Thank you for this opportunity.
I just spent hours trying to rake up my decorative grasses. Oh how this rake would have helped me! Now I am off to do all of the other Spring “chores” that you mentioned. Oh please pick me! These new tools will make it fun!
Just started gardening last Spring and I am also obsessed. Possibly neurotic but for different reasons most likely. I would absolutely love a good set of tools!
Wow! This would be wonderful! I sure could use some tools. I just broke a shovel. Thank you for offering. I know that Ames tools will last.
By the way, I enjoyed your great review of these very well made tools.
Great review! Wow! They seem to be incredible tools. I could have used the shovel and bow rake while getting my flower beds started this spring. One can only dream
That spade would be so perfect for edging my beds. All of them look so very useful! Thanks for the chance to own them.
Sweet deal!!! Count me in!!
I won!! Thanks!!!!
Happy spring everyone! I could use some new tools in my garden!
Your detailed and thorough reviews make these tools sound awesome! I could really use some good, new tools for the garden — that border spade would be especially useful. Thanks for the opportunity!
these sound like great tools!!
I want in! Love these! Always good to share with my local community gardeners too
Omigosh, how cool! Would love this collection.
These tools would have no chance for a vacation if they came to live at my place. Since they are made for hard work, I’d put them to good use!
Your gardening skills are like no other
great review i would love to owna set like this!
I’m in! Love the rake that you used for cleaning up the cut-down grasses–this was my first spring cleanup of grasses, and I figure I’ll learn more every year, but the rake looks terrific. Like all gardeners, I’m always happy to add tools to the ones I have and put to hard work all the time! Thanks for the opportunity.
Manly yet delicate hands! You crack me up. I have garden tool envy looking at this post. I’ve got to do some serious edging and dandelion plucking. Always something to do outside!
oooh, you had me at hello, ergonomic handle. this is a great selection. it’s too chilly and damp here in NE ohio just now to do much, but by the end of your contest, it should be warm again. yee-haw. thanks for the chance to win these.
suz in ohio
How lucky I would be, pick me, pick me!! I am having fun on Ames website, lots of good information on projects, planning, planting. And Mr. Neurotic, thank you for entertaining us, so glad I found you probably two years ago now.
Nice edging job with that spade! Thanks for the review!
Both the large and small rakes would be so useful in my yard.
Would love to win this set of tools, have been wanting to try Ames for years but you do a good job of describing them. You know you are a gardener when all you want are gardening tools for birthday, christmas, etc.!
I’m a relatively new gardener but fully obsessed (and fairly neurotic too). After a couple of years just learning the basics, I spent this winter (for the first time) actually planning my garden and am so excited about bringing my vision(s) to life. All my garden tools are really ancient (just what my husband had lying around for thirty or so years). It would be delightful to have a new set of wonderful tools to use. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you too for your blog. I love it and am always happy when I see a new entry in my inbox. I’m impressed with the way you set yourself new goals to work on each year; that’s what I always did when I was a teacher. I guess that’s what people do when they’re really passionate about something.
Wonderful blog! Keep gardening! Every seed brings new hope!!!!!
I want in ! What a great way to replace my gardening tools all at once.
wow. Nice tools. Please count me in! I’ve been following you for a while from the other side of New Jersey. I’m located in Freehold but I’m really happy to be in the same zone (I think). It’s also cool to have another dude who shares an excitement for growing stuff. Would love to post some pics here to show what’s doing in freehold from time to time if it ever decides to warm up right? Oh, and could you please give an update on you red twig dogwood? I gave mine a rejuvenating prune when you did and mine is not doing very much, guess I’m eager to get the show started ! Talk soon.
I have a collection of not very good tools, most of which I picked up for free or at garage sales. But the more I garden the more I realize how much of a difference a good tool makes!
Great tools like Ames brand make short work of gardening. It seems more of a joy and less of a chore when I have the right tools to improve my landscape.
Since we are just starting out, this would be a great prize! We don’t have much in the way of tools or gardening gadgets.
Ohhh, I want in! And I’d love to read a post about all the other companies you’ve turned down.
Me, me! I have their shovel and wouldn’t mind another one!
this would come in handy for me right now. was just about to start a garden and have no tools as of yet.
I could really use some new tools so “I WANT IN!”
I really need a new shovel and have always liked AMES tools.So count me in.
Yo! Greetings from across the Delaware (Philly ‘burbs). I absolutely LOVE your blog; found it while researching how to prune my nine-bark last year and I’m hooked — practical gardening advice, beautiful pics, fun family diversions, all served-up with a wicked sense of humor — what’s not to love? I’m beginning my 4th decade as a kindred spirit (obsessive & neurotic) and always on the look-out for tools that make my favorite pastime a bit kinder on my not-so-gracefully aging gardener’s body (can you say “lightweight”, “ergo”?), so… I’m in! And thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your discoveries and adventures with us.
I want in! I need these tools to start my gardenîng this year!
I have been reading and following John’s blogs and gardening experiences for the last few years. Not only is he a fanatic about gardening and clearly settles for nothing less than perfection, he injects a lot of humor into his blogs as well. If John says AMES garden tools are the best, they must be nothing less than superior.
I purchased my “retirement” home last year and this will be my first year working in my garden. Since I’m starting with a clean slate, I am really in need of garden tools.
Thank you,
This looks like a great package, I’d love to win!
I would love this! I’m planting my very first garden this year so I’m still learning!
All of my gardening tools are pretty battered, these look like great replacements.
I absolutely love how my backyard looks with a growing garden and seeing my son eat fresh veggies straight out of our backyard is just the best feeling.
I want in! I need to buy a new spade this year and this Ames one looks very nice. Even better to win it along with all the other tools! Thanks for the review and the opportunity.
What a great prize collection!! Just looking at them makes me want to go outside and get busy
Tools Have Been Abused. Sure Could Use A New Set
i would love to win the set, mine are old need new ones
i want in – love to work in my garden
These are awesome tools and your review of them makes me want to get outside and start gardening. Thanks for the chance to be a lucky winner.
What a generous giveaway!
And the way you reviewed the collection makes me want it
Those are all awsome tools that are state of the art. I would love to be the owner of them, and all my garbening friends and neighbors would be so envious!
Love the set!!! Could definatly put those to good use!! Hope you pick me!!!
I am a serious gardener. Our home kitchen garden is the only way we can afford fresh organic fruit and veggies. My eyes bugged out of my head when I saw this collection of tools. Having new tools would make my gardening easier.
I want in! My tools are older and worn like me!
Thanks for offering this collection of gardening equipment. I would love to win it. It would make gardening easier.
Just discovered your blog through Twitter and am so glad I did. I totally want in on this giveaway, and will be following your blog from now on in hopes that I (as an intermediate-level gardener) can learn from you!
I want in as you say so I have the tools I want/need to play in the garden at my boyfriend’s house. I just have a brick patio so any gardening is done there.
These are really nice. I need new tools, mine are very old.
The Ames garden tools look great, I’m always in need of new gardening tools every few years.
I have virtually no gardening skills at present but am determined to develop them pronto – and I really need this set in order to do it!
Awesome giveaway!
I want in.
Wow! I’m gonna have the most beautiful garden in town using these tools!
I want in . Yes yes yes
I would like to win these tools , living in Northern Wi with all the Pine needles , along with other planting projects .
every rake I have used does not do justice to the yard always a second swipe of raking of the pine needles ,
thank you for the chance
Oh this would be so handy for me.. I just started making a few flower beds plus some landscaping project.. Love the review
I want in! We love Ames tools and need all of these to try and make our yard beautiful.
Ames Tools makes my gardening experience more pleasurable and productive.
These look awesome, especially the shovel. Looks like it would give my bad back some relief!
What an awesome looking shovel. My bad bakc looks like it would love it!
What a great contest!! I am so excited to get out there and dig in the dirt this spring! This weekend is our planting weekend!
These would be so great to have! Thanks for the chance!
Thank You — Great items for the yard.
I love to plant flowers and do a veggie garden , a few of my gardening tools have broken through the years this would be an awesome win , thanks for the chance .
Yes, I would love to win this. I need some garden tools.
Looking forward to digging some holes and gettin’ dirty!
I love that this company thought to put the basics of yard/garden care and label them as a new homeowners collection! These would definitely be the first things I’d need for any new home. These look like good quality tools and a great selection.
mrsbrockavich48 (at)gmail (dot)com
I would love to have these! I think my tools are all super old or super cheap and they never seem to do the job that I want without a ton of extra work on our part!
Great review and great set of tools!! Would love to have a new set of tools, for one I don’t have any of this and we just moved into a new home!! Thank you for the chance and God bless!