As of this past week it has been 5 years since I started this blog. I still remember writing that horrific first post like it was yesterday. A rambling tale of nonsense on a frigid February evening turned into what you are reading before you today. I have truly evolved as an artist.
Quick aside – that last sentence was meant to be sarcastic but some times I worry that it is lost in translation. I’m always tempted to add a “sarcasm disclosure” to play it safe but then that takes away the power of the sarcastic remark. Such a dilemma. Also, my kids are now demonstrating all the characteristics of being raised Sarcastic.
Oh well. That will be great.
So to celebrate a 1/2 decade in the game of talking plants, I’d like to take a look back on some of the highlights, lowlights and those who left us way too soon.
The plant that has provided the greatest diversity of visitors over the years and maybe kicks more ass than all of the others combined is Joe Pye Weed.
The boneheaded move of all time – planting mint in a raised bed where it wasn’t contained. It has played out like a horror movie.
How most of my tomatoes looked in the early years before I got smart and put in a bit more effort. Blossom end rot be damned.
This is how you protect your blooming peonies from the deer and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
There was a time when I was decent at capturing the birds in action. I need to get back to that.
It hasn’t always been specifically about the plants. I love #4 more than all of the others. Is there still time to become a “saleb”? My tax dollars were well spent in the school’s phonetical spelling department.
The strangest spectacle – watching me chase the humming moths like a member of the paparazzi.
“The plant that has ‘worked’ that never should have with my conditions but blooms consistently year after year” award goes to Catmint (Nepeta) ‘Walker’s Low’.
The biggest opportunity missed – a weed pulling exercise video.
And I still fight the ability to enjoy winter interest.
The “fool me 5 times and yet I still don’t do anything about it” award goes to not planning how to water the containers while we are on vacation in the summer.
Picture taken and shared too often to an audience who could care less – the sheared back ornamental grass in spring.
The bloom that almost launched a career in macro photography.
And now we take a moment to mourn those who are no longer with us.
Viburnum ‘Shoshoni’ who outgrew her spot and couldn’t withstand a relocation plan.
Yucca ‘Golden Sword’ – you never did like the wet soil.
Spirea ‘Snow Storm’ – I’ll never know what really happened.
Hydrangea (cultivar unknown) – now you can be reunited with all of your other hydrangea friends.
Spiderwort (Tradescantia) ‘Sweet Kate’ – I was in a bad place that day and would take it all back if I could.
Hibiscus ‘Kopper King’ – we had two good years together right? That counts for something right?
I have no memory of you whatsoever.
Weeping Cherry tree – you seemed like a good idea at the time.
Hawthorn ‘Winter King’ – would still be here today if it weren’t for ‘Hurricane Sandy’.
Geranium ‘Karmina’ – I could only hold off the rabbits for so long. I thought your sweet scent would help fend them off, but apparently not.
Carex ‘Cappuccino’ – I pushed your zone and eventually you gave up. Thank you for the effort.
I’ve said enough about the daylilly.
Thank you all for 5 great years.
Here’s to 5 more!
Congratulations on your 5th blog anniversary! Your climate is very different from mine but we share some things in common. I use similarly extreme measures to keep away critters, for example (raccoons rather than deer in my case), and it’s comforting to know that others are equally “creative.”. I look forward to your next 5 years of posts.
Thanks Kris for reading and all your great comments! Here’s to creative means.
I hope you never stop gardening or posting……’ve got such a knack for both (and photography too!). I am in Michigan and grow much of what you grow……(still have my northern sea oats, but I understand why you don’t). Congrats on five years!! You make me laugh, sometimes cry, and I always learn something new! (As for that saleb reference, I often think your story would make a great movie…..kind of a guy version of ‘Julie & Julia’).
Kathy – you are way too kind and I’m pretty psyched I can even make people cry. And I’ll be sure to give you credit for the movie idea. Because now you have my mind in full motion with that concept.
So glad you persevered…congrats on keepin’ on with the keepin’ on for these past 5 years. Love your deer guard system…hope it accomplished the goal with the peony blooms.
Michaele – it did work and it gave the garden a cool junk yardy vibe. Thank you yet again for all your wonderful comments!
Congratulations on the 5 year anniversary of the blog! I really enjoy reading it — love your sense of humor, photography and gardening tales. Very interesting that you said the rabbits did in your Geranium ‘Karmina’. We have a big row of them in our backyard in northern NJ and they’ve never been touched by the rabbits. Here is a picture of them:
Clare – thanks so much for the props! I never actually caught the rabbits in action but it screamed them based on the bite mark. Ha! Yours look phenomenal and I must admit I have one left in a raised bed although it was only 2 inches tall when I saved it. By the way, I grew up in Northern NJ – Midland Park.
Like Kris P. my climate is totally different than yours but oh how I enjoy reading yours. Then I don’t feel so all alone!! ;-))) My husband and I are getting ready to have our 43rd anniversary. His sarcasim is what I love most about him. He got it from somewhere even though both parents say it was not them. No matter. I love it! Here’s to the next 5 years.
Jan – thank you so much and congrats on 43! It’s good to know sarcasm works for you both too, my wife is the same way so i’m banking on 43 also!
I enjoyed your explanation of the sarcasm, even if it might seem to you like losing the power of the sarcastic comment. It shows that you’re well-rounded — sarcastic, confident, and funny … with a bit of humility. Keep us posted on the weed-pulling video …
Beth – thank you! I still think the weed pulling video idea has promise. More to come …
I love the new look (it is isn’t it?). 5 years! There should be an award for that kind of staying power. I’ve only logged in for a tenth of that time and have enjoyed each post; you rock. Don’t stop! Thanks and may the force be with you or with this year’s plants…
jlmantha – I did change up the look a few months ago. Thanks for the nice words . I will be here for 5 more. Guaranteed!
…And I thank you too, John. CONGRATS! Keep them coming
Thanks Deborah! And a big thank you for reading my nonsense for so long.
Thank you for the humor that is NOT in any of the other blogs!
I’ve NEVER known anyone who could kill a daylily! Maybe you’re not as awesome as I thought you were…okay I kid!
congrats on 5 years; can’t wait to see the exercise video on pulling weeds. this should be hilarious. I’m in Wisconsin, zone 5 and I have pretty much everything you do. I just added Joe Pye Weed to my garden last year and cannot wait until the cold and snow is gone and we can begin to live outside again. It is frick’n cold here. Have you tried the cobrahead for pulling weeds? awesome tool. My husband hooked me on it and I just bought my own at the garden show we had this weekend in Madison, WI.
Realistic gardener who is about gardening. I love your stories of the Challenges of gardening. Plus great plant recommendations. Keep it up!