I ripped out and disposed of all of the tomato plants today.
This is officially the last tomato harvested in 2014.
If you look closely enough, you can find pieces of my heart mixed in with the tomato plant scraps. This sucks.
I will praise autumn and the color extravaganza it provides and will romanticize this time of year and the plant “circle of life”. But just know that deep down I am desperately missing the summer and the warm weather.
It was seasonably warm today; in the mid 70’s. And holy hell did I enjoy it. Yes, there were maple leaves strewn all over the lawn reminding me this was a blip on the radar.
And even the Rose of Sharon was giving out a fall vibe.
But I was sweating like an animal as if it were July 15th and loving every gosh darn second of it. I cannot put into words how much I love getting in the dirt, developing blisters on my palms, blinding myself with sweat and listening to nothing but the sound of the grasses swaying in the wind. My “zone”.
And now we are heading into the “dead zone” for another four months. Before you tell me that we need this time and that we wouldn’t appreciate the spring without the winter, save it. I’ll come around eventually but not today. I want to see all of my coneflowers in bloom, not the spent versions that are currently inside my house as Halloween props (true story).
Deep down I appreciate the wonderful fall color on my Geranium ‘Espresso’.
And even with the less renowned Siberian irises.
But dammit, I still want to pick weeds and deal with the dizziness that comes with it.
F you Fall.
Sincerely, John.
I finally admitted to myself that a freeze will eventually and inevitably come so I started bringing in succulents that I am hoping to keep alive through the winter. I, too, love the energy I find to tap into throughout the fall and yet there is some heavy heartedness because I know the winter lull is coming.
Love the pictures and share the sentiment!
Michaele – I really do despise the winter, my only plant fun is keeping the lemon tree alive and dreaming of spring. Best of luck with the succulents!
I can so relate to this blog post. Especially after the long (ENDLESS), brutal and snowy winter we had last year. (Not to mention the cool spring that got everything off to a late start.) I am looking forward to the fall foliage but am sad that the gardening season for me here in northern NJ is coming to an end.
Clare – nice to have someone else in the same boat as me! Last winter has scarred me for life. I dream of moving south just to extend the warm season a bit longer. BTW, I grew up in Northern NJ, Midland Park.
I feel the same but it is nature’s circle so we have nothing to do than enjoy the colors and the melancholy that autumn is.
Natalie – you are so right. I do really enjoy the time and the colors, I think I just miss getting my hands dirty. Thanks for reaching out!
hilarious. I’m not a fan of fall either, though I do enjoy the colors and the coziness