Posted on September 9, 2014 by jmarkowski Posted in Blooms . Seriously, they are that good: Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’ and Veronica ‘Goodness Grows’ Joe Pye Weed and Sneezeweed Boltonia and Itea ‘Henry’s Garnet’ Boltonia Iris versicolor Panicum ‘Northwind’ Share this:TweetRedditEmail Related Posts Evening photos Random photos 3 Photos
Jana – I made it a point to caption my photos as much as possible moving forward. Thanks for the kind words!
Darn it … I lost the bet! fab photos
LOL, thanks so much Jane!
Thank you so much for labling each plant. Glorious photos made even better by proper captions.
Jana – I made it a point to caption my photos as much as possible moving forward. Thanks for the kind words!
easy peasy…you win and so does your readership…great pictures of great plants.
Thanks Michaele, it was a bit of fake bravado but I really do love the garden right now.
I know what you mean, John …a great looking garden in the fall gives a feeling of justified triumph!