Even though they are just youngn’s and maybe 1/10 of their eventual size, I am already in love with my newly introduced and recently planted :
Amsonia hubrichtii (I had tabernaemontana only):
As well as Andropogon gerardii ‘Red October’:
Much more to come on these two stallions.
I am a big fan of the Amsonia Hubrichtii (or Arkansas threadleaf which I call it when neighborhood folks ask what it is). I think they require some patience. Mine is getting a little bigger each year, but nowhere near what I’ve seen at some gardens. I ended up with a group of five to fill a space, but now they are finally crowding each other a bit. I think of it as a nursery area -in the fall I’ll move some around. Great texture and fall color and looks great all summer.
I really have to try Amsonia, provided I can find it – I’ve never seen it in our local nurseries and was surprised to learn that it is adapted to my area. Plants that provide fall color here in SoCal are especially valuable.
I’m with you on the Amsonia Hubrichtii. Had purchased one this early spring. After
flowering- gave it a deadheading and seems to be filling in nicely. LOVE the very
fine green texture and can’t wait for the golden transformation later on!
Lovely red tips, if I may be so bold !
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