Quick one tonight.
Need your help in identifying what plant this is:
Little background … I live on 2+ acres that backs up to woods that is loaded with wild flowers/growth:
Every once in a while I find new plants I’ve never seen in this sweeping area before and that includes the plant above. I could probably research and figure it out, but is more lazy fun to have you all tell me.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
One last thing, how awesome is this birthday letter I received from my wife’s 96 year old grandmother:
Definitely one I will cherish forever.
Milkweed. Wish I had some. Sort of invasive. Good for Monarchs.
Milkweed…hummers love it too…lilac like flowers…then a pod…in the fall the pod cracks and seeds blow like fathers everywhere…..I have plenty at my cottage….
Hey….John…..don’t be a stranger!
The note is ♥️
Linda :o)
Yup…milkweed…probably Ascelpias speciosa or maybe Asclepias syriaca.
That is definitely Asclepias syriaca, the wonderful “common” milkweed. A phenomenal native plant that Monarch caterpillars depend on and bees love. Don’t cut it! Collect seeds in the fall and plant more (it can be extremely abundant so be careful).
I am sure that Linda is right about the plant, she definitely knows plants!!! Love the note, what a kind and lovely thing to send you.
Yep, I have some in my garden (on purpose) for the monarchs. I have to take off the seed pods before they crack, though, so they don’t take over everything. Oddly enough, though, all the monarch caterpillars I’ve seen this year have been on the more garden-friendly butterfly weed, NOT the native milkweed and swamp milkweed that I planted just for them.
Asclepias syriaca – beautiful butterfly plant, but I’m late to the party!
I am so jealous! I have been trying to transplant or sow seeds for 3 years! The seed pods are fun for the kids too
It’s Milkweed!
happy gardening,
What no-one has mentioned is the amazing fragrance of milkweed in bloom, which wafts through the whole area. Sniff and enjoy. And remember that the seedheads have always been a favorite among flower arrangers.
The monarchs thank you.