A foot of snow again today (ho hum) and we are due for another 5-10 inches this evening.
Throw in the “thunder snow” we are experiencing right now and you got some wacky climate action going on. I still blame all of the girls I went to high school with in New Jersey in the 80’s and their hair spray fetishes. They clearly contributed to destroying the ozone layer and now we are experiencing the consequences.
My seasonal affect disorder is at an all time high and I lost it today. My poor family. I was pacing and mumbling too myself all afternoon, ready to explode. Throw in the fact that my snow blower wasn’t working and you had one crazy mutha f’er.
So without hesitation, I grabbed my shovel and shoveled my entire driveway. By hand. All two feet of the wet snow and ice. Like a looney tune. For two hours.
Check it out. I was like Jesse Pinkman on the blue stuff.
And after that unfathomable physical feat, I still had time to make this snowman with the kids.
And yes you are correct, the snowman’s arms are Joe Pye Weed stems.
I feel better now and my family is happy to have me back.
Physical exhaustion – better than any drug.
I’m sure you know that the woman in your first photo is Real Housewife of New Jersey Kathy Wakile.
Damn. I thought we had an unusual amount of snow in Ohio. I planted 20 peony divisions this past fall from 65 year old plants. Hoping all this snow is keeping them from heaving out of the ground.
Sorry that you are getting stressed, hope that the workout helped!
Shoveling snow is right up there with digging big random holes to keep from going crazy. However, knocking down walls with a hammer is the BEST! Of course, I only recommend this if you actually need to take the wall down….
Winter is getting to me too. I can honestly say I almost snapped when the snow started falling this morning! But looking ahead at the forecast I see several days with sunshine and above freezing temperatures – I look SO forward to that! 31 days until spring ‘officially’ gets here and I can’t wait!
My SAD is in overdrive this winter. We’re seriously considering moving farther south (and we’re in Atlanta where it only snows every 5-10 years). We can make it through, John, we can. We have to. Even if we have to inject Starbucks.