I took this one pic and then headed in for dinner with the plan of taking some additional photos before nightfall took over.
Well that never happened …
For dinner, my wife put together a mammoth burrito for me – chicken, black beans loaded with lime juice, avocado and tomatillo salsa. Good friggin stuff. I then picked out a beer to go with it – a 750 ml (with cork) Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA. It was a trip to gastronomical and hops heaven.
Because we are enjoying warm temps for October (upper 80’s today), we were able to dine al fresco. Just my wife and I enjoying the outdoors … and a dog barking incessantly and two kids determined to break the Guinness Book of Records for annoying behavior. The more I ate, and drank however, the more I was able to tune the distractions out and simply enjoy the great outdoors.
After crushing my dinner and my fantastic brew, I felt a jolt of energy … a jolt of gardening energy. I had a pile of mulch and a pile of cardboard that has been sitting idly for weeks now, just begging to be used and tonight was the the night to finally do it. I helped clean up dinner (because I’m thoughtful like that) and headed out into the darkness ready to complete the task at hand.
It’s been a while since I “gardened” slightly inebriated and I have to tell you, it was hella fun. I literally sprinted from the pile of cardboard to the spot in the garden where it would be laid down and then back to the mulch where I then ran with the mulch filled wheelbarrow to my ultimate destination. I could barely see a thing in the darkness but I was having so much fun.
By the time I was done, I was covered in sweat and mulch and smelled like a brewery. But I was able to complete a task I’ve been ignoring for weeks now. I even planted three Itea ‘Merlot’ shrubs I “stole” from Lowe’s for only $3.99. The sense of accomplishment is unbelievable as I now sit here, showered and smelling like a rose. And I have a new found appreciation for IPA’s and gardening. I’m thinking we have a new blog idea here …
That’s one way to get gardening done! This was a great post… Made me chuckle.
Hi John, I’ve been following your blog for awhile now but have never stopped to leave a comment – until now. Maybe cuz I’m married to a guy from NJ (nobody’s perfect), your sense of humor really hits the nail on the ole compost bin for me and I’ve thoroughly been enjoying your posts. I love that you record all your muck-ups & disasters … that which most of us try diligently to hide from the world. Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know there’s an appreciative audience out here. Wish I’d thought of the inebriated blogging idea myself, it’s a good one. Have been known to get up to something similar with a bottle of red wine. hee hee.
Does it look as good this morning as it did last night?