I won’t bore you with all of the details, but here is how it looked directly in front of the house by the end of the day:
Not too bad.
But what I want you to focus on are the three Baptisia (‘Prairie Blues’ to be specific) planted smack dab in the middle of the bed :
I figured within a two to three year period they would be mature and the awesome blooms would be a focal point at the time potential buyers visited their house:
When all was said and done, we seemed to be on good terms:
Well, fast forward three + years and I’ve successfully created a nice dilemma for my poor parents.
The friggin Baptisia absolutely exploded the following spring and took over the area like nobody’s business. My father had to use a few sticks of TNT and a backhoe to dig out one of the plants so he could relocate it to the backyard. If I weren’t blood, he may have sued me for mental cruelty.
As of today, there are two remaining in their front bed:
As I type this, my OCD is kicking in big time knowing the Baptisia are not grouped in an odd number but I’ll have to fight through it knowing I’ve already put my parents through hell.
Actually, my mistake may have lead to a new design option my father invented as a means of survival. I like to call it “vase-like” or maybe “broccoli spear like” but whatever you want to call it, it is definitely creative:
Impressive, eh? The aesthetic is wonderful and you can feel the emotions all tied up (pun intended) in the design. Just remember where you saw it first.
As I reviewed and analyzed my work this weekend, I realized how much I’ve learned in only three short years and none more than trusting what you research on plant spacing. My parents soil is PERFECT and that means plants will love it, especially a tough as nails plant like Baptisia.
The charming Cape Cod I grew up in now looks out of balance with those behemoths in front:
Now I can only hope my inheritance isn’t affected in any way.
Happy 17th Annaversare!
And may you have many more. (I loved your daughter’s card)
Gardening is certainly a learning process as it all of life. Glad you and your Dad are still on speaking terms.
May you continue to grow and learn with each new day.
We just celebrated 41 years together and it appears you will too. The best part about the landscaping you helped your parents with is that you did it together. It looks great!! ( even with 2 plants.) As in Life, gardening is an ever changing thing. Enjoy each change.
First of all, the card is beyond darling. Those little kiddos are pretty stinking cute, aren’t they?
Now, I have to share that my three Baptisia, also planted directly in front of the house–specifically, along the front walk–have completely taken over. Seriously, you can barely make it to our front door without being accosted by them. My darling hubby decided to rein them in with a very attractive twine and wood contraption (think mini-fence). So, not only do we have plants molesting our visitors, they’re also greeted by an ineffective, beyond rustic fence thingy.
It’s time to move some Baptisia.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, John
Your post has pointed a finger at the elephant in the room, err, read elephant in the garden: Baptisia cannot grow neatly in a flower bed that is up close and personal unless it is staked and tied loosely and manicured after blooming. Then it responds like an obedient shrub. Next season. I hope your Dad will loosen the noose around the stems and transform the shape from “vase” into “fountain”.
Lorraine – Thank you for the kind words!
jj – Wow, big congrats on 41! You did it right.
Julie – Thank you for making me feel better about my baptisia failure. Those blooms are too damn tempting
Allan – Thanks Allan! Will push pops for the “fountain” look.