And here we are as of today:
Other worldly right? I kid you not, I stared at my work for hours on end, and photographed it like a newborn child. Curved beds are a thing of beauty and may they never go out of style or lose appeal. They warm my heart.
There is nothing better than a newly dug or expanded garden bed (assuming it is curved). New opportunities to plant and create and dream big. Even if we are only talking about a 4 to 5 foot extension. The possibilities are endless and the mind is ready to be stimulated.
What to add in front of my purple coneflowers and russian sage:
What groundcovers to contrast with my blooming Yarrow:
Maybe some new Carex to mix in with the other ornamental grass I already have in this bed:
The kind of stuff that keeps me visiting garden centers during my lunch breaks at work.
The kind of stuff that has me drawing diagrams while I’m watching TV at night.
The kind of stuff that makes me believe that I am an artist.
And to top it all off, the path from my driveway through this new bed and into my backyard is lined with stepping stones that I saved from my great aunt’s property before it was destroyed by the new owners:
My edger is my best friend!
I love garden beds with curves…
Love the story about the stepping stones…:o)
Linda :o)
I too love a curved garden bed but I learned not to make the curves too short and sharp. They are a royal pain to mow!!
Very nice! I love curves in my gardens too!
I’d say your digging payed off. Lovely work. Mickie
Curved beds are a thing of beauty and they are the only way to go. Most of mine are lined with brick and when I expand I spend hours running up and down the stairs so I can view the curves from upstairs windows and get them just right. Oh, and thanks for the reminder-it’s been a few weeks since I visited a nursery on my lunch hour.
Great job and great look! I always check with DH to make sure he can mow around the bed before the final dig/layout. Is the mulch colored black or what is it? There are some nice dwarfy monarda that would look great in a drift in front of your cone flowers. Have fun putting it all together!
Best to you,
I have some curved garden beds, too! The edger comes in handy every year!! But your enthusiasm has me wanting more, John!!
A good excuse for me to extend for more garden space, minus the
Anyway, liked the story regarding your great aunt’s stepping
stones. These shall hold special memories!:)
I love your amazing new curved beds…but the best part is the stones from your grandma’s house…that’s cool!