Aw those are beautiful images John but how on earth can the young plants survive all of this? It’s snowing here today even though it was mild and sunny just two days ago. weird….
Your pics are beautiful, and I agree, enough already!!! No snow here thank goodness, but more than enough cold weather!!! Ready to play outside in the dirt!
Dear Jack Frost, Father Time, Mother Earth, and the rest of you winter conspiracy nut jobs, It’s sprig already, give it up! Thank you for the lovely blankets of snow and cool weather, we really enjoyed the heck out of it but now it’s time to move on! There are lots of people who are looking forward to seeing you in another hemisphere about now so let’s just move along.
John….I feel your pain… I just posted pictures of last year…same day…at the cottage… This is crap! Come on old man winter…throw us a bone, already!!!
Sorry about the outburst…but I feel a BIT better now..
Cheers! Linda :o)
John, its the same over here in the UK. It’s been a long winter and we all need a break!! I think it’s about time mother nature started reading blogs – that way she can see just how fed up we are!!!
Great shot of the robin John! I think the poor birds and plants are confused with this bizarre weather for spring. There is more snow on the way for Monday here…this is insane!
It’s so crazy to see the snow there!!!! It was like 89 here yesterday. Yes- truly insane!!!!
Amen, ONG! We’re getting more snow Sunday night into Monday! Yikes! So be prepared! If I could only trap Phil! He was dead wrong this year! We were already in the 80’s last year.:(
Is this some kind of a weather anomaly? In Poland, we still have snow lying on the ground,too
Aw those are beautiful images John but how on earth can the young plants survive all of this?
It’s snowing here today even though it was mild and sunny just two days ago. weird….
Your pics are beautiful, and I agree, enough already!!! No snow here thank goodness, but more than enough cold weather!!! Ready to play outside in the dirt!
Dear Jack Frost, Father Time, Mother Earth, and the rest of you winter conspiracy nut jobs, It’s sprig already, give it up! Thank you for the lovely blankets of snow and cool weather, we really enjoyed the heck out of it but now it’s time to move on! There are lots of people who are looking forward to seeing you in another hemisphere about now so let’s just move along.
John….I feel your pain…
I just posted pictures of last year…same day…at the cottage…
This is crap!
Come on old man winter…throw us a bone, already!!!
Sorry about the outburst…but I feel a BIT better now..
Linda :o)
John, its the same over here in the UK. It’s been a long winter and we all need a break!!
I think it’s about time mother nature started reading blogs – that way she can see just how fed up we are!!!
Great shot of the robin John! I think the poor birds and plants are confused with this bizarre weather for spring. There is more snow on the way for Monday here…this is insane!
It’s so crazy to see the snow there!!!! It was like 89 here yesterday. Yes- truly insane!!!!
Amen, ONG! We’re getting more snow Sunday night into Monday! Yikes! So be prepared! If I could only trap Phil! He was dead wrong this year! We were already in the 80’s last year.:(
Is this some kind of a weather anomaly? In Poland, we still have snow lying on the ground,too