This photo was taken at the Philadelphia Flower Show and it inspired me to some day design a garden with only ornamental grasses:
My attempt at taking advantage of lighting with this Hypericum:
Spring is in the air … and allergies too:
I have an unhealthy lust for Viburnums:
Love these Campanula blooms up close:
An Allium bloom right before it “pops”:
The only Peony bloom that survived the deer this year.
I like how the bee appears to be holding on for dear life:
Just a cool ass looking macro shot of a bloom that you would never really notice from afar:
Just fantastic color on this Astilbe:
My best attempt at controlled chaos:
A reminder of why I love native plants so much:
I think this pic best represents my gardening style; ornamental grasses and native perennials:
Again, trying to take advantage of natural light:
I just like it, even if the colors clash a bit:
MMMMMMMMMMMM, ornamental grasses:
This makes the cut because my son actually took this one:
A Hydrangea bloom “aging” well:
How many more colors can we get in this Miscanthus:
Autumn and Hunterdon County, NJ – perfect together:
Beautiful pics and, wow, that IS a colorful miscanthus. Know the name? I’d like one/some.
Beautiful! Love your garden!
Great job, John…
You have inspired me to do the same…
Before the year is out…
I….too…John….LUST after Vibernums…
Linda :o)
Those pics were well worth the ‘self praise’ you (and your son) captured some lovely shots.
You have a beautiful garden John. I think you may have inspired me to do a similar blog – if I can find the time that is
There you go again…rubbing it in with that Miscanthus…cruel!
Beautiful pics – your son’s pic is way cool! Thanks for sharing!!