I’m still carrying the momentum and excitement of the past few days out in the garden so I figured why not keep this massive positivity thing going, eh?
Here’s what else is going down at Les Jardines D’ONG:
The Clethra (Summersweet) ‘Ruby Spice’ did not bloom at all for me last year but it has bounced back like mad this year. I’d love to report on how phenomenal the flower scent is, but you know, I have virtually no sense of smell:
The blooms on Pennisetum (Fountain grass) ‘Karley Rose’ are so underrated even when they are no longer a bright pink color. Note to self: need to add more:
I’ve seen very little on the internet regarding Panicum (Switch grass) ‘Ruby Ribbons’ and it has honestly underwhelmed ever since I picked one up a few years ago. But ….. just look at that leave color and you can see the potential it has:
It has taken a while to establish, but Acorus gramineus (Sweet Flag) ‘Oborozuki’ is starting to look good lining my driveway. It takes well to all of the water that drains off of the driveway and it is one of the few plants where I can actually pick up the scent on the leaves when they are scratched up a bit:
And whenever you can impress a six year old, you do it:
Garden your ass off!
Wow, that is one huge flower!
Great hibiscus bloom-I tried growing those once, but the deer. The rotten, munching, eat-everything deer………..
Now that’s a big flower. I’m impressed and I’m a lot older than your 6 year old!!
That is one ginourmous bloom! Really impressive.
I wanted Ruby Spice and they didn’t have it at Park Seed that day, so I got Vanilla Spice……oh the fragrance is out of this world! You can smell it from the upper deck, heavenly!
I have lots of Acorus, didn’t know it had a scented foliage. Interesting, always learning something new.
Fantastic hibiscus. Don’t tell me it was just your daughter who was impressed with its size.