Soon to be followed by the Physocarpus (Ninebark) ‘Summer Wine’:
Without fail, the Nepeta (Catmint) ‘Walker’s Low’ are back and blooming and sure to draw in the bees by the thousands:
It’s like Christmas Eve with the peonies. I enjoy the anticipation of blooms as much as the actual blooms:
I don’t know which Heuchera cultivar this is but it seems to be blooming sooner than all of the others. Those blooms will be snipped soon as I feel like they take away from the fine foliage:
I am becoming more and more hooked on the Salix ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ foliage and need to add some more soon:
I know I take too many photos of Campanula ‘Joan Elliot’, but that purple color friggin rocks:
Enjoy the upcoming week and we’ll do this again soon.
Just beautiful.
You made me smell the Spring eve! Thank you-
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Lovely stroll. Never too many pictures of the Campanula. The garden tours were this weekend and everything is so beautiful.
Living WAY UP NORTH, there is no such thing as too many pics of a beautiful plant. Thanks for the shot of color!
I love a stroll through the garden…even one that isn’t my own. So nice to invite us along with you!
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful photos of the plants…BTW could you get one of your kids to capture you skipping about the yard?!!!
Living WAY UP NORTH, there is no such thing as too many pics of a beautiful plant. Thanks for the shot of color!
Woodies Garden Centre