With out a chance to rest, I got out our baseball gloves and threw him ball after ball as I tried to take a photo with my free hand. It was a great test of my hand/eye coordination and I struggled a bit at first but eventually came around:
The kids ran for cover inside the house when I got distracted with all of the bird activity:
Fine, if they don’t want to participate, me and my trusty camera will hang and walk around the yard on our own.
The weather was in the high 60’s all weekend long and the plant growth continues to continue at a super rapid pace. Our zone 6 winter has been more like a zone 8 winter and that is fine with me.
All of the hydrangeas are beginning to leaf out:
The daffodils are weeks ahead of where they were last year:
And my precious Sedum ‘Red Carpet’ exploded over night:
But most of all, I am eagerly anticipating the blooms of the Winterberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’:
I am starting to worry that my current camera won’t cut it as I learn more and more about the available advanced settings and some of the limitations. I might have to sell off some of the kids valuables to purchase a new one.
Some day they’ll understand why after I become a world famous nature photographer and I leave them with a hefty trust fund.
your wife does know about the jumping out of the swing thing, right?
the birds are beautiful and WOW your flowers and shrubs are coming right along!
and I want a new camera too! I figure it’s camera vs trip to Key West in Dec…right now the camera’s winning!
Fun pictures. It was great to the birds to space themselves so nicely on the tree. If you had a zone 8 season, then ours is zone 10. That’s great because my zone 10 Brazilian Golden trumpet tree got to bloom this year and it is beautiful. You might want to check it out. http://charlottesmenagerie.blogspot.com/2012/03/heres-post-that-shows-why-i-can-endure.html
Great action shot, maybe you could hire the kids out for other aspiring photographers whose kids have grown and moved out?
Super jealous of your Autumn Brilliance!
ha! great shots!
Great pictures and actions shots.
you are getting good
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Spring will come early to those who welcome it.