And organizing the football cards while looking up their value on the new Kindle Fire:
We had a Christmas for the ages with family (My son will regret agreeing to wear these pajamas in a few years):
The kids are at the absolute perfect age right now (9 and 6) and I dread them getting even a year older.
My son is a non believer in Santa so we plotted a way to get him to believe for one more year. He is an incredibly deep sleeper so we knew we could wake him in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve without him truly waking up. We nudged him a bit and then played the sound of sleigh bells through my phone. He opened his eyes and looked around in terror as we left the room. On Christmas morning, he insisted he heard noises in the middle of the night and looked out his window to see reindeer on the front lawn. Score one for the parents!
On a personal level, my wife gave me a subscription to Fine Gardening and a private lesson with a local photographer. I couldn’t be more fired up about that. Watch out readers, my photography obsession will be taken to new heights.
Speaking of photography obsession, I am off from work the remainder of this week and all I plan on doing is trying to hunt down the birds that have been flocking to the yard like mad:
Hope you had a great holiday and here’s to 2012!
Wonderful share of your family Christmas all enjoyed and I see Santa was kind… However that last picture I say would look best served up under glass!
What a beautiful Christmas you had! OK, I’m ready for the new photography of the continued obsessive gardening.
Glad you had a good Christmas and that Santa still visits!
Looking forward to those amazing photos of your garden.
Happy New Year.
Wspaniale, że Święta Bożego Narodzenia upłynęły w miłej atmosferze i wiara w Mikołaj została przywrócona :-). Życzę wspaniałego 2012 roku. Pozdrawiam.
Great, that Christmas passed in a pleasant atmosphere and the belief in Santa Claus has been restored :-). I wish you a wonderful 2012. Yours.
Children and birds MAGNIFICENT! Looking forward to your upscale photos! (Actually I thought the ones you’re taking now pretty awesome!)
I love the Christmas photo’s… Enjoy them while they’re young John because before you know it, the pretty pj’s will turn into sweats and t-shirts meandering out of their rooms asking if there’s coffee ready.. but you know what, that’s just fine by me too. OH! I see my Red bellied Woodpecker has flown over to your house for a visit!
Happy New Year John!
Great pictures, sounds like a good holiday!
Such a beautiful family! Happy New Year!
Is that last bird seriously a bird in your yard? What is that?
What a great time you had, it is all about the children at Christmas. I took a photography class years ago when we had to do all the settings on the camera. There is not much left to do now with digital but I would still like to learn how to tweak those adjustments.
Thanks for sharing the bird picture. They were amazing. what camera do you have? we have 11 feeders out and have been gettign mnay birds.
Loved this blog when my Children were small and got bikes thier daddy would help them while I cooked dinner and then I would. Happy New Year The Pjs were nice
Such cute photos of your children! Yep…all of that preparation and then it’s all over so quickly! Look forward to seeing more amazing photos from that new camera! Love the photos of the birds! Happy New Year!
Cindy Adkins
Your children are so adorable.
Yes you are right, they grow about as fast as some of your plants or faster.
It is hard to let that time go, I remember the days with kids. Going full speed most of the time. Enjoy them, treasure your moments. Hope to keep in touch, I love your blog.