I’ve been known to complain a bit when it comes to the onset of fall/winter. As I get older, I appreciate the warm weather more and more and dislike the feeling of being trapped indoors more and more. Not to mention, I would kill to have additional months of “gardening” weather, where I can still dig a hole in the ground and move plants around at will.
This past weekend, I was boring someone with my usual “I want to move south to better weather” diatribes. The woman I was speaking to felt the same way but she said to me “When I turned 50, I realized I had wished half of my life away and I vowed to not do it any more.” Shit, that hit me to the core. The reality is, New Jersey is my home, I love it here and my family and friends are here. Time to find a way to enjoy it all you dope!
So, in honor of my new found vow to make the most of every cold/frigid/barren day, I toured my gardens with an air of optimism that I hope to sustain throughout the gardening “off-season”. I’m sure I’ll break down and bitch and moan along the way, but I will take it one day at a time:
This viburnum has taken on an interesting combo of yellow/red like never before:
I think “supergroup” Wilson Phillips said it best “Hold on for one more day”:
Although they are relatively young, I’m loving the autumn color provided by the Panicum ‘Northwind’:
I look forward to the snow, just to see how bright the red twigs of the … redtwig dogwood will look:
Some creature will be hungry and stumble upon these berries which will make their day that much better:
Nice to see some bright green growth still sticking around:
What do you think? You buying my optimism?
actually…yes! Love the photos…the redtwig dogwood a lot…it always amazes me how much color is left after the blossoms are gone!
Yep, buying it. I love your garden photos. I’m imagining you have several acres of land to garden on because you have so many plants.
Keep up the great work!
We do enjoy the seasons and especially now as the ornamental grasses have claimed their color, some foliage still intact, and as you show enjoying those wonderful red twigs. Happy to know you will begin living in the moment.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, John.
You got good advice. Accept what you have and work with it. That sounds more like you anyway.
Old people, plus cold, equals BRANDY!
If it makes you feel better, people find something to complain about…not matter where they live
Isn’t ‘Northwind” gorgeous…I just planted some this year as well and was in love with their autumn color…the Panicums really seem to hold their color longer than a lot of grasses…not to mention their form!