Luckily, I intelligently (and I use that term loosely) relocated all of these to a more “natural” area rather than in the garden beds surrounding my home. But the reseeding will still be an issue with the threat to completely take over if not addressed:
So I vow to cut these down in the very near future to prevent the seeds from scattering and taking up residence where unwanted this spring. Winter interest be damned!
Caryopteris ‘Sunshine Blue’ is a tremendous small shrub with fantastic golden/chartreuse foliage:
Well no more. These bastards will be cut down pronto. No chance to drop their precious seed any more.
John is kicking ass and taking names from this point forward.
As we head full steam into winter, I vow to do whatever I can to make my big garden dreams become a reality. I am on a mission and you do not want to miss out. Even if I crash and burn it will be fun to watch the train wreck I become.
i just love your enthusiasm…..can you send a little my way??
I bet you are wired beyond control! Keep up that kick ass attitude if you want to stay ahead of these plants.
Debbie – I’m trying like mad to stay enthused but it gets tough when the cold hits!
Darla – the funny thing is that I am not all that wired in “real life”. For whatever reason, gardening gets me all fired up when it is supposed to have the opposite effect.
Your photographs are really beautiful. I love your enthusiasm – this post made me laugh!
I had better warn my doughter-in-law about the sea oats. I think I recommended this plant to her, but I do really like the way they look in the fall.
you are a dynamo!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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WOW – I liked them all, but I especially loved the third one down. All that pink!