OK, I know I’ve found it difficult to find the time to not only create new garden “wonderfulness”, but even maintain what I’ve already got. Case in point:
There is no excuse for letting things get this bad. I feel nothing but shame and do not deserve to call myself a gardener.
Damn, that felt good. Time to move on.
It’s all about priorities now. A single focus. If I have to blow off family functions or ignore my children, so be it.
While it isn’t much, I feel like I am on the right path. Even a slight improvement from the photos above is good:
We’re going big and bold and there is no looking back.
i think you are serious!! i sure am “rooting” for you!!
I agree with that thinking… and its a whole lot of slight improvements that end of making something big in the long run. Though I wouldn’t ignore your wife for all that long. They don’t do well with that kind of stuff.
Good for you for sharing the warts and all, not just the glory spots!
I have had flowers in many differant places,for at least 50 years. Don’t start with more than you can handle. Frist kill all the grass. Pull it up , dig it up,or with weed killer. Put down 8 to 10 sheets of newspaper. I use pine straw we have pine trees cheap and does the job. Read my blog http://www.gardeningwithjuanita.blogspot.com If you do it right from the beginning in 3 years you will have no grass. I have 11 beds all full of flowers. Only one had grass I have shown how we got rid of it. It did not come up from my bed but ran into it from a nieghbor’s field now Carrel takes care of that field for the widow lady. Juanita Sheffield
Thank goodness someone else is showing some of their weeds. I felt like a bit of a failure this past season with the weeds growing so out of control. Nice to see I’m not alone. Also like the expansion of the existing bed, with such a large property bigger beds will look right at home.
It’s already looking better. I’m not brave enough to show my weeds.
I love big and bold, but I AM a Texan.
I know it will be gorgeous…am now following your site and enjoying it!