That’s right, osage oranges. All entries into the house have been covered and we won’t see another arachnid again. Yes, it may be folklore that this really works but I’m buying it hard. The “they eat all the bad bugs” line has worn thin and I’m desperate.
Mums really bother me. They’re everywhere this time of year and they bloom TOO well. Worst of all, they don’t have to work hard for your admiration (unless you’ve managed to get them to come back year after year and religiously pinch them – then you’re cool as hell). You just overpay for them at Shop Rite, stick them in a container, throw some pumpkins next to them and voila – an autumn vignette. Color me not impressed:
This past summer, I planted 15 Lamium plants (‘White Nancy’) and exactly one survived. That is the result of poor planning from someone who should know better by now but still hasn’t learned. I’ll tell you what though, I guarantee this one plant will survive and flourish so all of the other plants did not die without reason:
On the other hand, some times it is as simple as sticking a plant in a pot and letting it go. These two ‘Alabama Sunset’ coleus have thrived from late April until now and I haven’t given them a thought (although I don’t tell visitors that):
You know what never gets old? The zoo:
It thrills kids and grandparents to no end:
I was thinking the same thing about mums the other day. I have a few in the garden and want more but I never just pick up the full bloom ones and stick them on the front steps.
Zoos are cool.
If it’s pesticide use you’re worried about with spiders, try glue traps. You just have to keep pets and kids from getting in them. And, attack the webs religiously. If they can’t catch food, they don’t stay.
Hopefully by this weekend, your wife and kids will have a party at home because by then all of the spiders would have left for their Halloween party. Chrysanthemum can grow in our climate. You are lucky!
Okay, you’ve made me me feel really bad and uncreative about my mums and pumpkins. I do plant them at the end of the season. And, yes I battle mosquitos all summer to pinch them back nightly. I love the way they come back not standing quite so tall and stiff, a little more rebellious. This year they did return. I am guessing the unrelenting heat. You have spiders in the house….I have snakes. ha! ha! ha! Good luck!
The Zoo is the best!
Now I know something about osage orange. Congrats in discovering what works best for you! And I love the zoo
Didn’t know about the osage oranges, but I’ll keep in mind just in case. Love the coleus, they are true performers.