I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog for the past year and a half but I have to admit, I’ve become a bit self absorbed.
It’s been all about coming up with an idea for a post, taking the photos, researching the details, writing the post and then editing it. And it doesn’t even end there; then the promotional push kicks in. I’ll share it on Facebook, tweet it out on Twitter, find ways for others to retweet it on Twitter, pay to have it added to a banner behind a plane (I kid), etc, etc.
What has been lost along the way is the pure enjoyment of educating myself by reading anything plant related I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, all of that reading and learning time has been replaced by the time it takes to put a blog entry together.
Well, within the past week, I’ve started to break that cycle and it feels damn good. It’s all about balance and I think I’m on my way. In celebration of my waning narcissism, I wanted to share the links of some other blogs I’m reading. Most are gardening related but there are a few that are not, but still think you may want to give them a read.
Here they are:
You can criticize social media like Twitter all you want, but there are so many interesting people I’ve met there with similar interests. One of them is Benjamin Vogt who writes the blog The Deep Middle. He gardens in Nebraska and is one smart horticultural dude. I am in the middle of reading his book “Sleep, Creep, Leap: The First Three Years of a Garden” which you can find in the Amazon link in my right sidebar. It’s the book I wish I could write, check it out.
If I had to pick my gardening doppelganger, it would be Scott at Rhone Street Gardens. We both share a serious obsession with ornamental grasses and I’m to the point that I just assume I’ll like whatever he likes. Scott gardens in Portland, OR and I guarantee you’ll love his blog if you aren’t already reading it.
While I was drawn in through the shared interest of gardening, I’m hooked on Kyna’s blog Crystal Coast Gardener because she is damn funny. There are plenty of gardening tales but what reels you in is her ability to capture the absurdity of every day life in a unique way. You never know what you are going to get and that my friends is entertainment.
I have gotten to know Allan Becker through his comments on my blog and I feel comfortable enough to call him a mentor even though we never met in person. I bet you I could drive up to Montreal and he would hand me a beverage and begin educating me on all his plants. Sort of like a Mr Miyagi/Daniel relationship in “Karate Kid”. OK, I’ve now become a level one stalker, sorry, just read his blog Allan Becker – Garden Guru and you’ll see what I mean.
Look, I am clearly in touch with my feminine side (not joking) and like me some flowers. When I am in that mood, I head out to Bella’s Rose Cottage for my fix. The site just oozes relaxation and is a true escape from the stress of every day life. Take a trip there and you’ll get what I’m saying.
Another great escape is the blog Gatsby’s Gardens. We’re talking flowers, foliage, containers, struggles and successes in the garden. As you read her posts, you immediately know this is someone who knows her stuff. She gardens in suburban Illinois and I promise you, you’ll enjoy her site immensely.
This next one is easy. Go to Hayefield, look at the photos and tell me that isn’t what you would imagine your gardens to look like in a perfect world. Nuff said.
I have to give a big shout out to my fellow Jerseyite Debbie, who authors the blog It’s All About Purple. We are talking some amazing photos here and I am specifically enamored with her wildlife photos taken “down the shore”. Just fantastic stuff and I’m sure you’ll agree.
And finally, if you are a sports fan or even a fan of good writing, please check out my friend’s blog Awkward Sandwich. While the grammar may be questionable, there is no denying the wit and great self deprecation. I am even a topic of discussion from time to time as we have an ongoing rivalry in all things we do. While he is wrong 99% of the time, you’ll still laugh at how passionate he is.
That is all for today and by no means did I hit on all of the blogs/websites I am currently reading. These are just a few that stand out and I hope to discuss more in a future post.
Dude! Thanks for the plug
Now I wish I’d thought up a more eloquent post for today than toad lily innuendo.
I suppose it’s part of my charm. I came out of the weirdo closet years ago. It’s nice to feel free.
*runs naked into the street*
Ok, I’m back. I think the neighbours are calling the police…
Btw, Benjamin is a pretty awesome dude. I love his blog. I’m going to have to check out ‘Awkward Sandwich’ just for the title of the blog alone.
Thanks John for all those nice comments. The kudos definitely land on your side also, love your tales about garden disgust (which we all have often) but you put into words.
wow john….i had no idea!! thanks so much!!
i always enjoy your “tell it like it is” writing style. your always sayin’ what i’m always thinkin’!!
i will def be checking the others out!! thanks again…i am beyond flattered!!
How to better way more plantation & proper garden in my country?
So, your proper massage to protect our atmosphere.
I read some of the ones mentioned, will check out the others. Nice to give them a shout out.
John, I clicked through to some of the blogs you discussed while I read the article, and I’m wowed. Now I want to write a garden blog too! Well, it would take some time for my garden to look like yours or any of the ones you featured.
I especially liked “Bella’s Rose Cottage.” My inner girly girl. I also checked out Allan Becker’s blog and will go back and look at them all.
Thanks for introducing me to these wonderful garden blogs.
Hi John,
Well blush blush whata surprise! Thanks for the kind words!
Love the “in touch with your feminine side” my husband is too, BUT, he reads my posts at work and sometimes he is afraid to get caught looking at the uber girlie stuff.. haha!!
Have a great Halloween…