We had a nice, long cooling rain last night that was music to my ears as it pounded on the windows. I could also tell that the plants were very thankful this morning as they all seemed to have a little jump in their step.
Quick diversion though, before I show you some of the “After the Rain” photos.
When I typed in the title for this post, it immediately brought me back to one of the “so bad it’s good” MTV videos from the late 1980’s. I grew up on MTV and admittedly was a “Hair Metal” fan back in the day (I’ll give you a second to let those words sink in).
“After the Rain” by Nelson is so awfully good and I urge to watch it before proceeding:
Fantastic, right?
Photo time:
I skipped the music, more my husband’s style than mine. I believe I heard a collective sigh of relief coming from your photos.
Too bad MTV isn’t as nostalgic as you are. They turned 30 this week with way less fanfare than they should have had.
It was funny to open up my dashboard and see that pic. I even squinted and said, “Is that Nelson??” out loud. Hehe. I’m old.
I was in the throes of motherhood during this era and must admit I’ve never even heard of Nelson. We’d have to go back to the 70s to hit my nostalgic nerve. Nice photos. I’m glad you got rain. My hubby calls it “free water.”
Rain on leaves….only an illusion! sigh!
Loved the after the rain photos.
I was actually a fan of their father, Ricky! I saw him once on Michigan Avenue when I was a quite young employee in Downtown Chicago. Great Photos!
Loved the video, they inherited their father’s talent maybe better!
Great photos of rain! We’ve had really high temperatures but no rain for a fortnight (and not a lot of rain before that!). We were promised a torrential downpour, but all we got was a 5 minute shower – me and my plants were disappointed!
What is the plant in the 2nd photo down? I know I ought to know what it is, but I can’t for the life of me remember!
I love how the rain beads up on the Albury Purple St. Johnswort (Nutty Gnome, that’s the 2nd picture). It holds drops more than any other plant in my garden, and your photo shows it too.
As for the music . . different generation.
Flashback! I, too was a hair metal fan…back in the ancient times. I even met Nelson backstage and thought they were impossibly cute. On to your garden, lovely photos.
Beautiful rain shots!
Hair Metal, great/awful video clip, I totally forgot that I’d come by to look at your plants! I wasn’t really into the music but my friend used to make me be her backing singer cause she loved it so it brings back memories. Can’t believe the 80’s were so long ago.
Lots of rain here (Scotland) hence my worl blog garden visiting.
Ha! Thanks for the laugh. I loved Nelson – I totally rocked out to that cassette tape.
Everything is just looking great!
Everything looks fresh and refreshed after the sprinkling of shower. Beautiful to view.
I love the photos with the water drops…one of my favorite ways to take flower photos! So happy happy you’ve had some rain!