A funny thing happened last night after I posted yesterday’s rant about my frustration with gardening. In the mailbox, was a special issue from Fine Gardening magazine that could not have been timed any better:
While on Twitter recently, I had read a tweet where the magazine was looking to send copies of Plant Combinations to garden bloggers for their review. I jumped all over it as I have been a loyal reader of their magazine for years and the title alone fired me all up. The funny thing is, it has been chaotic at home of late and I completely forgot that this issue was on it’s way.
As soon as I had some time to sit down and read through it, I was immediately taken with the angle they took. It is all about using commonly known and readily available plants in combinations that are creative and unique. These consistent performers (purple coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, yucca) often aren’t trendy enough for some gardeners but the issue shows you how to reimagine them in an original way. My mind is still spinning as a result and I’m ready to start moving plants around again to try and mimic what is in this magazine. One that comes to mind is matching Yucca ‘Golden Sword’ with geraniums.
Also, I was super psyched to see a bunch of photos of plantings that include brown sedges (Carex). I have talked about my love of these in the past and I now feel vindicated. Take a look at these and I guarantee you’ll be with me on it. Pinkie swear.
Between reading all of your comments last night and diving into this magazine, my bipolar gardening personality is swinging back in a better direction. If you can’t find this issue in stores, click here to buy it on-line. It is absolutely worth the price.
love, love, love, their plant combinations issues. Enjoy!
That’s definitely a fun issue…and you bring up a good point…there are far too many gardeners who turn their noses up at plants they deem “common”. To me, there is nothing more tedious than a garden that is merely a hodgepodge collection of rarities.
Terrific timing! I have a favourite gardening magazine that bolsters my humdrum rainy day no gardening mood. It’s Gardens West. I have read Fine Gardening and quite enjoy it too.
I agree with Shirley. Gardens West is a great magazine. So is Fine Gardening. I’m glad you feel better, John. You’re an awesome gardener. Awesomely human!
ONG – Excellent reference. Fine Gardening can never come fast enough and I keep all the back issues. I’m addicted to over-thinking plant combos, because I’m on a mission to NOT have gardens just look ‘grass green’… the plant base has to be variegated or burgundy or lime – for visual interest. Good post, Jersey dude!
hahaha….bipolar gardener!!!
Dear John, Have you come across the British gardener and writer Christopher Lloyd? I believe he’s now working in Eden, but before he moved on he wrote brilliantly and a major theme was combining plants. He was invited to the States, but made himself quite unpopular because he was a little outspoken. The Simon Cowell of horticulture!
Wonderful information John, thanks. I do have the typical Black Eyed Susan’s and Purple Cone flowers, LOL!!!
Anyhoo it’s been so hot here, I am ashamed of my garden right now. I can’t keep up with the weeds in this heat. Soon I won’t be able to garden for awhile but hope to be able to work at it by fall, hopefully!! Love Di ♥
My gardening post will be up Friday!
tell me something, I want to plant a zen garden for my wife, both of us we are retired, so we have a lot of free time, and she love plants so this is the perfect gift for this Christmas.