One of the benefits, or maybe the only benefit, of having relatively poor gardening conditions in my yard is that it makes it a lot easier with plant selection. When I am looking to add a new plant to my landscape I know there are three conditions that must be met:
- Plant must prefer moist soil and/or can handle wet conditions
- Plant must be deer and rabbit resistant
- Plant must handle full sun
I can push the limit on some of these and do just that because I refuse to give up on some of the plants that fall outside of the criteria above. Some times it works, other times it fails miserably.
Here in the Northeast US, native plant sale time is upon us and I love nothing more than mapping out my strategy as I read through the different native plant catalogs. My personal favorite is the native plant sale held each year at the Bowman’s Hill Wildlife Preserve in New Hope, PA. I have scored quite a lot from this sale over the years and I am starting to get all giddy as it approaches yet again.
I’ve already thoroughly reviewed their online plant listing and thought I’d share with you what is on my wish list this year. While the listing is long, it is easy for me to narrow down my potential choices knowing that I have very specific criteria I need to abide by.
On to the plants:
First, there are the plants I already own and want to add more to my collection. These have all performed well to date so we’re safe with these. They include:
And as always, there are the plants that I’ve never attempted before or admittedly, never even heard of before. I’ve narrowed the list down and here are some of the potential candidates:
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I would love any feedback any of you may have on any of these natives. While you’re doing that, I’ve got some more “googling” to do.
Thanks for stopping by
Given all the restrictions, there’s a nice balance of colors in your garden.
Hi John, look like a great list of plants. I have two Amsonia, both planted in front of a dark leafed Weigelia — so the fall bold yellow of the Amsonia will stand out even more against the Weigelia..once they are of a better size.
Enjoy your plant sale!
What a great site you have. Wonderful information and stories and fantastic photos!!
I still love love love that PhloxDavid photo!
Oh – all lovely.
I have the worst time knowing what to plant, when to plant, and where.
Maybe I will finally learn. You’re inspiring me…..
Photography is my first hobby, but gardening is a close second! I look forward to following along with you.
I remember visiting New Hope a lot as when I lived in New Jersey! Such a beautiful place. Good luck with your plant choices this year. It must be tough with the deer.
How very pretty. I will miss all of these pretty flowers while in the tropics for a few weeks beginning very soon. Yes, there are pretty plants and flowers there, but nothing like what we have at home.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and signing up to Follow! I love getting new Followers! Makes me giddy every time there’s a new face!
I have been telling my husband that we need to go ‘native’ in our yard because it’s difficult to get things to grow in sand and shade! Such beautiful choices you have… I’m not sure how you’re going to decide! Me? I’ll have several of each please! I wish!
I may well be your newest follower! YOU are amazing! I would have never found your blog if you had not found me! Thanks! I am loving yours!
The Marsh Marigold will love your wettest spot! I have mine planted right in the water in my stream, and it is thriving.
I’m in the market for some moisture and sun loving plants to put down by our dock, thanks for this list, I’ll have to check to see if they are native to my part of Maryland!
Thanks for following my blog, John!
Now I have found you and looks like you’ve got quite a project going here.
I am no authority on perennials for your area but I am going to enjoy reading comments from your followers who do know these things!
(I love the Blue Cardinal you showed here…. my friend and I used the name for our antique business.)
Great blog. It’s nice to see gentlemen on here sharing their passions too.
Your newest follower…
You have a wonderful blog John. Your love for gardening and photography shines beautifully here. I LOVE to play in the dirt and spend most of my summer’s in my lovely gardens. It’s just a hobby for me but one I am really passionate about.
Thanks for stopping by my place. I have a mixed bag but as the weather warms, my gardens will consume my thoughts and therefore my blog. Thank for the follow…..
Living here in the desert of Idaho I have nothing to add to your list of wet tolerant plants. Ha ha. But have fun!
Love every single plant there! I’m in total love with Amsonia these days…what a gorgeous, tough plant…the fall color would make them worth growing even if they never flowered. Helenium too…so EASY and so lovely…I do wish there was a magic way to make them not flop. Never heard of the Marshallia…but I’m intrigued…will have to keep an eye out for that one!
Thank you for following me, John. You have a great blog! Here in our neck of the woods in Plano, Texas, the soil is a hard clayish blend. I haven’t been able to get much to grow. We’re planning on moving to east Tennessee in a month or so, and I can’t wait to get my garden going.
Your list of plants is really cool. I love the colors. Blessings.
You’ve got a lot of great plants here and a great blog too! Thanks for stopping by mine. So happy I found yours and look forward to coming back soon.
I think you will be quite happy with the Marsh Marigold. It does extremely well with wet feet. Have fun shopping!
Loved seeing your blog this morning for the first time. I think you could do a whole set of plants that are DEER resistant. Since that is my focus now for nearly two years, and me not wanting to give up my 7 rose trees. Out there saving and protecting. I love the deer and my plants. I gave in to most of what I plant now due to the deer. But roses I will fight for. Keep posting, I will be back.
I’m impressed!
Allan – trying my best to have diverse colors
Janet – love the mix of Amsonia and the Weigela, I have mine next to Itea ‘Henry’s Garnet’ so good fall color mix
Cobble Hill – thank you for reading and the kind words! Will be over at your blog regularly as well.
Laura – still a lover of phlox myself
Dawn – I hope I can inspire and not uninspire, you never know
Tammy – I am becoming more and more addicted to photography as time goes on
Brandi – love New Hope and the entire Bucks County area!
Lois – I wouldn’t mind a visit to the tropics tis time of year
Gone Country – I loved your blog as well and will be a regular follower.
Linda – thank you so much for the kind words! Will be over to read yours as well.
Alison – I am super psyched to get the Marsh Marigold even more now.
Low tide – welcome and glad to hear someone else has the “wet” issue.
Alison (Polohouse) – always happy to have a new reader and you can count me as one for yours as well.
Debbie – you are too nice! Welcome and yeah for spring!
K&V – I would love some dry, even just for a day.
Scott – I promised myself I would prune back my Helenium for size this year; we’ll see if I can remember
Clint – welcome and best of luck in your move to TN. Will be by to check out how it all goes down
Kate – thrilled to have you here and look forward to sharing gardening stories
Shirley – I think the Marsh Marigold is a no brainer after the feedback I’ve received. Thank you!
Janie2 – hello and thank you for stopping by. I am all about deer resistant so I’ll be closely watching how you progress
Lisa – thanks for the nice words!