I’m testing out new code I just wrote that may just take gardening blogs into the next stratosphere. If you wouldn’t mind, try and scratch each of the photos below and let me know if you get the sweet scent I get each summer from these beauties. I’m hoping this scratch and sniff thing will be my golden ticket. I’ve already been contacted by Apple and they want to add this functionality to the iPad 3.
Thank you in advance
Wouldn’t that be the coolest – blogs with smellovision!!!
The third one smelled the best! The last one, not so much.
Wow…that’s great!! Can you smell my pot roast cooking???
April Fools to you too!
Love Di ♥
wouldn’t that be swell. until you pulled up a hog farm blog and then…
Couldn’t smell the flowers.LOL But think I can smell the potroast mentioned above. Or maybe that’s wishful thinking.
Goldenray Yorkies
I am ready for all of these flowers that supposedly smell, some do and then again some don’t, even the roses don’t smell anymore.
Now THAT would be great technology!!
hahaha Very good.
Don’t forget all us little people who supported you a long the way! R and D support, scratch scratch, sniff sniff.
Nope no smells here but I could hear the bee….you can keep that.
Scratch and Sniff. Wuhahaha
You are a nut!
Cool! They all smell the same except for the fourth one. That one smells rotten. My garden smells of coffee.
Btw, my screen is blurred due to the scratches. Have you invented anything to get rid of the scratches?
Who needs a scent when you have stunning photos. Just use your imagination…
hmmm, that photo in the middle must smell the best as people have scratched so much the petals are starting to disintegrate!
I added these to my garden last fall and am really looking forward to them this summer. I’m also growing Four O’Clocks for scent. I wonder how prompt they’ll be? :o)
:o) Hihi!
I’ve got no luck with Echinacea, the slugs are most of the time faster than I with slugs corn. However, I can enjoy them on your photos :o)… not the slugs *LOL*.
Have a great day!
Just got your new app! Love it! I use it with the new Bud Light app. Garden Party!!
Do you see signs of life in this echinacea? They have the a bad rep round here for acting like annuals!
Love the scratch and smell thingy…been waiting till someone came up with it
Photos are beautiful…I like the one with holes in the petals…someone was hungry!
Very funny. I actually scratched my screen and smelled it… gullible is my middle name!
errrmmm…Beeaauutiful…envy u…! Really wish i could scratch n smell… My place is not conducive for Echinacea….however this stubborn gardener still went on to try them… have had a few bloomed in my garden in d past…d common Purple coneflower that is….but..sigghhh … gone too soon!