A sugar rush can be defined as :
The elevated energy level people have when they eat a lot of sugary products which is similar to the crazy, energetic behavior people get when they are taking illegal drugs.
Thank you Wiki Answers for that description. I had the pleasure of dealing with two of these type junkies this past weekend:
As with all photos, you don’t see the effort that went into setting up the shot. Trust me when I say it was like trying to herd cattle on ice skates.
But let me back track a bit.
We started the annual egg dying on Friday night and the kids were way into it:
Don’t ask. I had good intentions and as usual, it all went wrong. I have also passed on this lack of artistry to my son. Here’s his best egg:
At least he knows to lower the expectations so you don’t expect any more from him.
Sunday morning arrived and the kids found all the hidden Easter eggs and found their hidden baskets:
And for one day, we let them have free reign over all of their candy. Truth is, they were sugar junkies starting on Friday and it never let up all the way through Sunday night. We’re still reeling from their insane energy and mood swings but we’re happy to have made it through another year.
We had warm weather and some sunshine on Sunday, and because that is as common as a good Jennifer Aniston movie (which we all need to discuss at a later date), I had to get outside and see what was going down. Here’s what I discovered:
All in all, a great weekend and I look forward to the new week and secretly disposing of all the candy without the kids even knowing it.
What a nice Easter weekend and a fantastic rainbow.
We hat 4 sunny days in northern Germany. Just like hollyday. You can see some pictures in my blog.
Greetings Sabine
cute little sugar varmints!
lovely goldfinch shot. and, hey, who else would munch on the deer carcass if it wasn’t for the vultures?! you just put them in the same category as jennifer aniston movies…
Your children are adorable, no matter what you say :). Great weekend you had with wonderful promises of beautiful blooms in the near future..oh, the eggs are just great. By disposing of the candy, do you mean you are going to eat it?
Great photos and you are right on the Jennifer Aniston comment – why do they keep paying her a fortune for the duds she makes?
Hi John, I’m sharing your sentiments regarding kids and Easter weekend. The husband and I may sneek a bit out of the Easter baskets to help with the candy reduction
Goldfinch already..a sure sign of spring! Cheers, Jenni
Your children are adorable. I would let them eat candy all day, too! I did a number on the cheesecake and apple pie!
As always, your shots are beautiful. I could have lived without the one of the turley vulture, they really turn my stomach.
Glad you had a great Easter, John!
Yes, the kids at church were flying high after Sunday School. They had been eating all morning and somebody gave them some more to eat. Great blog. Your spring is coming along quite well.
Grandkids did well this year…not to much “sugar high”! Flower photos are fantastic!
I always decorated eggs a little like you. Kind of glad I don’t have to do it anymore. Yeah I know KIlljoy. Nice pictures of your kids and I like the daughter’s blue fingernails.
ADORABLE children and I love their smiling faces. How did you get so lucky to track down that rainbow! I keep searching for them and never find or I am too late. Your flowers are so entertaining for me, I love them to death.
After seeing the kids, I didn’t even want to see the plants. Easter is all about the children, baskets, candy, the bunny, eggs, etc.
It was our first year without baskets, just candy, easter bags and eggs with money inside. It is sure not as much fun as when the bunny came!
I did not realize goldfinches were Jerseys state bird. Cool. Love them.
really cute kids BUT the blooms were awesome!!! i LOVE your daffodil, great shape to that one. i also loved the goldfinch, amazing shot. we are getting lot’s of them here, in fact i have so many pictures i am no longer running for the camera when they come. they are really fun to watch and oh so beautiful!!!!
Your kids are very serious about their egg dyeing! Cute.
Goldfinch to be sure!!
Love the rainbow photo.